




















By Jo Mularczyk


COOPER FELT GOOSEBUMPS break out all over his arms. He looked at his mom in disbelief. She was wearing his video game headset and staring at the TV screen. There was a vein in the side of her neck that he had never noticed before. It was pulsing. But none of that was the most terrifying. The cause of the goosebumps was what he heard coming from his mother’s mouth. 

“Yesss!” she hissed triumphantly. “I got the emerald sword! I’m coming for you, Dunder Dragon!”

“Mom? What are you doing?” he asked. 

“Oh wassup, honey? NO! Look out! The creeper is right behind you.” 

Cooper’s mom covered the mouthpiece and spoke to him out of the side of her mouth without tearing her eyes away from the screen. “He’s such a noob.” 

“A noob? Mom, since when do you know what a noob is, or a creeper? And who are you talking to?” Now that the shock was wearing off, his brain was full of questions. 

In an even more insane development, his mother just ignored him. She kept playing as if he hadn’t even spoken. 

Cooper backed away from the disturbing scene in the living room. “Daaaad!” he called, trying to keep the panic out of his voice. He walked into the kitchen and stopped dead. The screen of his dad’s phone showed Candy Crunch, and he could hear the unmistakable tune. 

“What are you doing, Dad?” Cooper whispered. 

“I don’t know how to tell you this dude, but your old man is pretty OP at this game.” 

Dude? OP? Cooper leaned back against the wall, afraid that he might sink to the ground without its support. His phone vibrated, and he raised it to his ear absently. 


“Cooper, I’m freakin’ out. My parents are acting really weird. They’re playing ForthRite. And dude . . . I saw them doing the floss!” Cooper heard the same panic in his friend’s voice that he was feeling. 

“Mine are playing Mineshaft and Candy Crunch. I don’t understand what’s going on.” Cooper looked around the room desperately. His eyes landed on a bright yellow leaflet stuck on the fridge door. He walked toward it and read:

Feeling disconnected from your kids? Sick of losing them to screens? Cyber-Parent has the answer. Order your solution on our website today. 

“Jay, I think I found something. I’ll call you back.” He tore down the leaflet and poked his head back into the living room. His mom was working the controls furiously while raving about slaying the Dunder Dragon. As her thumbs flicked the buttons, he noticed a bright yellow band on her wrist. His dad, who had now joined his mother in the world of Mineshaft, also wore one. 

Cooper raced to his bedroom and sat in front of his computer. He typed in the Cyber-Parent website from the leaflet. An unsettling beat began playing. A balding man with an unnaturally huge grin appeared on the screen and started speaking in a recorded voice. “Feeling disconnected from your kids? Sick of losing them to screens? Wish you could enter their world? Cyber-Parent has the answer. Just fill in our online order form, and we’ll send your wristband the very next day. Cyber-Parent—bringing you and your child together.”

So now he knew why his parents and Jay’s parents were acting so strangely, but he didn’t know how to fix it. Would removing the wristbands be enough? Maybe they needed to be deactivated. And what if his parents didn’t want to take them off? They sure seemed to be enjoying themselves. 

He returned to the homepage and saw a tab Taking care of your wristband. He clicked it and scrolled down until he read Never expose your wristband to water. 

“OK,” Cooper muttered to himself, “I need to wet the wristbands.”

His sister’s cries could suddenly be heard from her bedroom. “Mo-o-mm, I scratched my leg!” He felt his goosebumps return as the silence grew. His mother wasn’t answering. 

Cooper grabbed a bandage from the cupboard and went to tend to his sister. “Amber, shouldn’t you be at drama class?” he asked as he smoothed the bandage onto her leg. 

“Mommy said not today,” she murmured, wiping her tears. 

Cooper’s fears spiked further. He had to fix this now! 

“Amber, do you still have that water pistol you got for Christmas?” 


“Can I please borrow it?” 

“If you let me play, too!” she chirped, her tears forgotten as she ran to find her toy. 

While he waited, Cooper grabbed his phone and typed a text to Jay. Check if your parents are wearing yellow wristbands. They’re from some freaky company, and I think they’re messing with their minds. Wet the wristbands.

“Here it is, Cooper!” Amber cried as she ran back into the room. “Let’s play!” 

“Let’s spray Mom and Dad first,” he whispered as he grabbed the water pistol. 

“Mommy says we can’t play with water in the house,” Amber warned. 

“Don’t worry. You wait here. I’ll do it, so you won’t get in trouble. Then we’ll go outside and play.” 

Cooper filled the pistol at the kitchen sink and walked into the living room. Both his parents now wore headsets. 

“Watch out for the mobs!” his mom shrieked. 

Cooper crept closer, although he was confident he could make as much noise as he liked and not disturb his parents. 

He aimed at his mother’s wrist and squeezed the trigger. Water soaked his mom’s arm and started dripping onto the carpet. He kept squeezing. His mom squealed and looked toward Cooper with glassy eyes that didn’t seem to recognize him. As the pistol emptied and the wristband got wetter, her eyes slowly cleared. She shook her head and spoke in a drowsy voice as if she’d just woken up. 

“Cooper honey, what’s going on?” Then she collapsed onto the couch. 

Cooper stepped forward in alarm, but his mother started snoring and he realized she’d fallen asleep. His dad hadn’t turned his attention from the screen. Cooper refilled the pistol and wet his dad’s wristband. His dad’s reaction was the same, and he fell asleep beside his wife. Cooper quickly removed the wristbands and threw them in the kitchen trash bin. 

His phone vibrated with a message from Jay. All good, dude. Thanks!

He heard voices from the living room. 

“What happened?” his dad asked. 

“Why am I wet? What are these headphones doing on my head?” his mom asked. 

Cooper peered into the living room. His parents stood, controllers and headsets in their hands, looking slightly confused. Cooper wondered if he should tell them what had happened or if that might make everything worse. 

“Hey guys,” he said as he entered the room. He casually walked over and grabbed the controllers and headsets from his parents. 

“Are you going to play for a bit before dinner?” his dad asked. 

“Nah,” Cooper said as he put the controllers and headsets away. “I promised Amber I’d play water pistols with her.” 

As he left the room he heard his dad say, “That’s a nice surprise.” 

His mom answered, “I’ll never understand why he loves those video games so much anyway. . . . ” 



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