


Robert De Niro and Al Pacino are still repping the family business half a century later.
半个世纪后,罗伯特·德尼罗 (Robert De Niro) 和阿尔·帕西诺 (Al Pacino) 仍在继承家族企业。

The screen legends reunited Thursday for a 50th anniversary screening of The Godfather at United Palace, hosted by the Tribeca Film Festival, which De Niro, 78, co-founded in 2002 to revive the cultural scene of lower Manhattan in the wake of 9/11.银幕传奇人物周四重聚,在联合宫举办了由翠贝卡电影节主办的《教父》50 周年放映会,该电影节由 78 岁的德尼罗于 2002 年共同创立,旨在重振 9/11 后曼哈顿下城的文化盛会.

Pacino, 82, and author Michael Hainey participated in a discussion about the seminal mafia title from director Francis Ford Coppola before Tribeca screened the film's restoration.在翠贝卡放映这部电影的修复版本之前,82 岁的帕西诺和作家迈克尔·海尼参加了导演弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉关于开创性黑手党头衔的讨论。


De Niro and Pacino previously joined Coppola, 83, onstage at the 94th Academy Awards, where the iconic director reflected on his magnum opus' milestone anniversary.德尼罗和帕西诺之前和83岁的科波拉一起参加过第94届奥斯卡典礼,这位标志性的导演人物在该典礼上放映了自己里程碑意义的年度代表作品。

"I feel moments like this should be sincere and brief," he said, turning to De Niro and Pacino. "And I'm so grateful for my wonderful friends to come here to help me celebrate with you.“这是一个真诚而又短暂的时刻,”他说,然后转向了德尼罗和帕西诺。“我很感激我最棒的朋友能够和我们一起庆祝。”

"This project that we began 50 years ago with really the most extraordinary collaborators, many of them legends and so many of them that I can't take the time to list them all, but you know them all well. So I'm going to only thank two from the bottom of my heart," Coppola added.“这个项目是50年前开始的,我们有最杰出的伙伴,他们很多都是业内的传奇人物,太多了,我甚至都没时间都一一列出他们,但是你知道他们都很优秀,我是由衷地感谢他们俩。”科波拉补充说。

Pacino told The New York Times that he's been "deeply honored" to see the film's lasting acclaim over the past 50 years, while musing on the anniversary.帕西诺告诉纽约时报他很荣幸能够看到这部电影持续保持了50年的辉煌赞誉,然后继续沉浸在了对年度盛会的沉思当中。

"It's a piece of work that I was so fortunate to be in. But it's taken me a lifetime to accept it and move on," Pacino said in March. "It's not like I played Superman."“我很幸运能成为这部作品的一部分,但同时它也不得不让我花一生的时间去接受它并超越它。


The Academy Award winner added that he's "surprised" when people tell him they've never seen the movie, adding: "They've heard about it. You get that. 'Oh, I heard — were you in that? That was a film, wasn't it?'"这位奥斯卡金像奖得主补充说,当人们告诉他他们从未看过这部电影时,他感到“惊讶”,并补充说:“他们听说过,你明白了。‘哦,我听说——你在里面吗?那是电影,不是吗?

The Godfather tells the story of the Italian-American crime family of Don Vito Corleone (Marlon Brando) as his youngest son Michael (Pacino) joins the mafia and tries to juggle the violent family business with his marriage to wife Kay (Diane Keaton).教父讲述了意大利裔美国犯罪家族唐·维托·科里昂(马龙·白兰度饰)的故事,他的小儿子迈克尔(帕西诺饰)加入了黑手党,并试图在与妻子凯(黛安·基顿饰)的婚姻中兼顾暴力家族企业。

The film, which is based on screenwriter Mario Puzo's 1969 novel of the same name, has been widely regarded as one of the best films of all time since it premiered in 1972. It won three Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Adapted Screenplay, in addition to nominations for Coppola and Pacino.这部电影改编自编剧马里奥·普佐 1969 年的同名小说,自 1972 年首映以来一直被广泛认为是有史以来最好的电影之一。除了科波拉和帕西诺的提名外,它还获得了包括最佳影片和最佳改编剧本在内的三项奥斯卡奖。

De Niro starred in 1974's The Godfather Part II as a younger version of Vito.德尼罗在 1974 年的《教父第二部》中饰演年轻版的维托。

来源:Robert De Niro, Al Pacino Reunite for The Godfather 50th Anniversary at Tribeca Film Festival (msn.com)

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