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日期: 来源:美国驻华大使馆收集编辑:












最后,这项预算将推进一个对我而言是优先事项的事,——并且我知道对你们之中的很多人来说也是如此,那就是支持“持久欢迎行动”(Enduring Welcome),也就是举我们全政府之力来重新安置我们的阿富汗盟友们。


“We meet at an inflection point…”
Secretary Blinken, March 22, 2023

On March 22, Secretary Blinken testified before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations on the FY24 Department of State budget request on Capitol Hill. Below are the excerpts of his opening remarks.

SECRETARY BLINKEN:  [...]We meet at an inflection point and I think that’s reflected actually in what both the chairman and ranking member said.  The post-Cold War world era is over, and there is an intense competition underway to determine, to shape, what comes next.  The United States has a positive vision for the future: a world that is free, that is secure, that is open, that is prosperous.

The budget that we’re putting forward will help us advance that vision and deliver on issues that are important to most of the American people by preparing us to engage effectively two broad sets of challenges.

The first set is posed by our strategic competitors – the immediate, acute threat posed by Russia’s autocracy and its aggression against Ukraine, and the long-term challenge from the People’s Republic of China.

The second set is posed by some shared global tests, including the climate crisis, migration, food and energy insecurity, pandemics, all of which have a direct impact on the lives and livelihoods of Americans as well as people around the world.

With this committee’s leadership and support across two State Department authorization bills, the United States is in a stronger geopolitical position than we were a couple of years ago.

We’ve drawn enormous power from investments we’ve made in our own economic strength and technological edge at home, including through the Infrastructure Investment Act, through the CHIPS and Science Act, through the Inflation Reduction Act.  Our unmatched network of alliances and partnerships has never been stronger.  We’re expanding our presence in critical regions like the Indo-Pacific, and we’re leading unprecedented coalitions to confront aggression and address humanitarian crises around the world.

The President’s FY24 Budget Request for the State Department and USAID meet this moment head on.

The budget will sustain our security, economic, energy, and humanitarian support for Ukraine to ensure that President Putin’s war remains a strategic failure.


The budget will help us push back on advancing authoritarianism and democratic backsliding by strengthening democracies around the world – including through supporting independent media, countering corruption, defending free and fair elections.  And it will allow us to pay our contributions to international organizations because we need to be at the table wherever and whenever new international rules that affect the livelihoods of our people are actually being debated and decided.

The budget will allow us to continue leading the world in addressing global challenges, from food and energy insecurity to climate and health crises.  


The budget will advance our efforts to modernize the State Department, including by expanding our training float; updating our technology; carrying out diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility initiatives, including to make our overseas missions more accessible.  


Finally, the budget will further a priority for me, and I know for many of you, and that is supporting Enduring Welcome, our whole-of-government effort to resettle our Afghan allies.  

Read Secretary Blinken’s full remarks:


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