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日期: 来源:英文悦读收集编辑:魏剑峰



要表达“某人对于解决某问题做得不够多”,除了说somebody does little to do something,还可以参考下面BBC例句的用法:

For decades, many firms have paid lip service to climate change without substantially altering the way they do business. 


句子中pay lip service to somebody/something含义是“对某人或某事空口答应,口惠而实不至”,它相当于make empty promises,比如我们可以说:

One common complaint in the workplace is that managers pay lip service to the career development of their employees without taking any measures to help them grow professionally.


要表达“A与B密切相关”,我们可以说A is closely connected to B,也可以学习一个新的用法:

Worrying about the future, it seems, goes hand in hand with parenting. We worry not just about the sort of people our children will grow up to be, but also whether we have equipped them enough to live happy fulfilling lives. 


A goes hand in hand with B是一个很形象的说法,它的字面含义是“A与B携手前行”,引申为“A与B密切相关”,比如:Poverty often goes hand in hand with poor health.


Research shows that crime goes hand in hand with poverty, so to achieve social stability, it is important that the government boost the economy and spread the benefits of growth to all levels of society.


下面节选的句子来自The Economist关于互联网的文章A cyber-house divided

Online as much as in the real world, people bunch together in mutually suspicious groups——and in both realms, peacemaking is an uphill struggle


uphill 含义是“上坡的,朝上坡方向的”,它的引申义是“费力的,艰难的”,something is an uphill struggle / battle / task 即“某事是一场艰难的斗争/战斗/任务”。举个例子:

For students in poor mountainous areas, getting into a prestigious university in the city is an uphill struggle to say the least.


要表达“A比不上B”,常见说法是A is not as good as B,下面的说法也值得学习:

Boris Johnson is not in the same league as Thatcher as a successful prime minister and much else. She lasted 11 years in Downing Street and won three general elections. He has been prime minister for two and half and has won just once.


XX is not in the same league (as somebody/something) 是一个常见的比较句型,用来说明“XX与某人或某事不在同一档次上,XX比不上某人或某事”。比如可以说:

Japan is not in the same league as China at making electric cars, and in all likelihood companies like BYD and NIO will become world-class car manufacturers in the foreseeable future.



(1) pay lip service to somebody/something

(2) go hand in hand with 

(3) something is an uphill struggle

(4) something is not in the same league (as somebody/something)





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