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实习机会|Internship for the Annual Meeting of the New Champions

日期: 来源:清华职业辅导收集编辑:世界经济论坛
The World Economic Forum, committed to improving the state of the world, is the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation.

The Forum engages the foremost political, business and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas.

The intern will work closely with respective teams at the World Economic Forum Beijing Office to support the preparations for the Annual Meeting of the New Champions (AMNC) that is held in Summer time in Tianjin this year.

Internship for the Annual Meeting of the New Champions

Duration and location

Early April – mid July
3-5 days/week onsite at the Beijing office

Teams and positions

Click the links above for the specific requirements and responsibilities of each role.

You can apply for up to two rolesPlease indicate your preferences in your CV.Please reflect your strengths and interests when choosing the team. As the same skills may apply to multiple teams, we encourage you to find out more before making a decision.


The Internship role is for candidates currently pursuing a college or university degree (undergraduate or postgraduate) and is usually undertaken during the penultimate year of study. While your major is not important, we are looking for candidates with an outstanding record of academic achievement, a can-do attitude and a desire to make an impact.

What to expect

This Internship programme provides you with a unique opportunity to learn about the foremost global industry and challenges and experience a dynamic collaborative work culture.

You will gain hands-on experience by working alongside experts and getting involved in real work.

The intern will join the office for a three-month period during the spring of 2023. You will work three to five days a week and receive a RMB 7500 monthly stipend if working on full-time.

The Forum believes that progress happens by bringing together people from all walks of life who have the drive and the influence to improve the state of the world by building awareness and cooperation, shaping mindsets and agendas, and driving collective action. Join us and become a driver for positive change!



审核|徐雅楠 王炳瑞


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