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日期: 来源:浙江日报收集编辑:浙江日报

潮新闻 记者 苗丽娜 通讯员 赵策 杨佳娜




Pearl embodies beauty and motherhood. In folklore, there is a touching legend that "the pearl shot the body to conceive Xishi". In the northeast of Zhuji, the hometown of Xishi, there is a town famous for pearls - Shanxiahu. She is like a huge pearl glittering and shining around the world.


Shanxiahu is famous for its pearls. The pearl industry has been developing for more than 50 years, making the town the world's largest freshwater pearl production and marketing center. The annual production of pearls accounted for 73% of the world's total freshwater pearl production, and 80% of the country's total production, which was named the "Pearl Capital of China" by the State Council Development Research Center. It has the largest international and domestic pearl distribution center in East China International Jewelry City, with nearly 1,500 merchants. The implementation of digital transformation of the whole industry led to the establishment of the pearl industry brain, engineer collaborative innovation center and pearl industry innovation service complex, the national innovation base, pearl international brand center, new media anchor training base, and other names have been settled one after another. The first World Pearl Conference was successfully held, and it became a permanent venue.


Shanxiahu is beautiful because of the pearl. In 2018, the pearl town entered into the list of provincial characteristic town creation. The town has a 3-year plan to invest 5 billion yuan to build nearly 100 special town projects, pearl lake, pearl museum, pearl culture block and a large number of key projects in the town blossomed. The town successfully created the national civilization town, the national health town, the country's top thousand towns, the provincial high-tech special industry base, the first batch of provincial beautiful town model town, the provincial county style model area, and the provincial garden town. It not only has the pearly whites, but also embraces green water and green mountains.

Welcome to the World Pearl Conference。 欢迎参加世界珍珠大会。


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