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日期: 来源:独霸上海的妖怪收集编辑:Lexie


张继科被爆赌博欠债、出卖与前女友私密照的信息持续发酵。英文媒体Sixth Tone 对此也进行了报道。这周的外刊精读专栏,我们一起来读一读这篇完整的文章。



Chinese Olympian Accused of Sharing Intimate Videos of Ex-Girlfriend

Former table tennis champion Zhang Jike is said to have sent private videos of his then celebrity partner. He denies the accusation.

accuse sb of sth 这个词既可指普通的「指责某人做某事,指控某人做了某事」,也可指走法律程序「控告某人做了某事」。
近义词还有:charge sb with sthindict sb for sthprosecute sb for sth 这组法律词汇考研英语都考过,大家打包一起记忆。

For the first time in American history, a former president of the United States has been indicted on criminal charges. It is worth pausing to repeat that: An American president has been indicted for a crime for the first time in history. 这是美国历史上首次有美国前总统遭受刑事指控。有必要再强调一遍:有史以来第一次,一位美国总统遭到犯罪起诉。 
intimate videos 指「私密视频」。intimate 这个形容词,不仅可以指「亲密的,密切的」,还可表示「隐私的,个人的」,尤其用于形容性相关的事物。这里intimate videos 即「私密视频」。
比如:The article revealed intimate details about his family life.文章披露了他的家庭生活中的隐私。 
the most intimate parts of her body 她的身体的最隐私部位 
accusationaccuse 的名词形式,指「指控,控告,指责」(a statement saying that someone is guilty of a crime or of doing something wrong)。deny the accusation 即「否认指控」。

then 这里为形容词,指「当时的」。文中 then celebrity partner 即「当时的明星伴侣」。

Chinese Olympic gold medalist Zhang Jike has been accused of using intimate videos of his former girlfriend to buy more time to pay off his debts, according to allegations on social media that have been confirmed by a reputed journalist.

medal 是「奖牌」的意思,加上后缀-ist,变身medalist 指「奖牌获得者」。Olympic gold medalist 即「冠军」。

buy time 指「拖延时间」(to do sth in order to delay an event, a decision, etc)。
pay off 指「偿清,还清」债务。pay off one's debts 即「还清某人的债务」。

I'm just trying to stack my cash, pay off our mortgage.
allegation [ˌæl.əˈgeɪʃən] 为名词,指「说法,指控」(a public statement that is made without giving proof, accusing sb of doing sth that is wrong or illegal),与标题中的accusation互为同义替换。这个词多用于指没有提供证据的说法或指控。

动词形式为allege,指在未证实的情况下「指控,断言」,形容词alleged指「被指控的」,比如犯罪嫌疑人,便称作the alleged perpetrator。

alleged 指「有人指称的」,reported 指「有人报道的」,supposed 则一般表示写作者自己猜测的。

Award-winning journalist Li Weiao said that the allegations that Jike was sending the videos to one of his creditors were “true,” according to a Friday post on the microblogging site Weibo. The now-retired table tennis player is said to have shared the videos of actress Jing Tian, who he was dating at the time, after the couple split.

creditor 指「债主,债权人,贷方」。反义词为debtor,指「债务人」。
credit 作名词,指「借款,贷款」。借钱来花的「信用卡」就叫作credit cards。

Your tuition is 2,500. Check or credit card?
split 本义是「分裂,撕裂」,也可表示「分手,决裂」。我们也可以写作split up

The nature of the videos in question is unclear and there are also no details on how Zhang tried to benefit from them. On Friday, Zhang’s representatives denied the allegations that claimed the sports star had a gambling addiction and used his ex-girlfriend’s videos to try pay off debts.

in question 是个高频短语,指「所说的,所讨论的,所提及的」。
再举个例子:The singer in question is Jay chou. 我们所说的那个歌手是 周杰伦。
have a gambling addiction 指「有赌瘾」。

 这里为动词,指「声称,宣称」。大家注意读这个词的英文解释:to say that sth is true although it has not been proved and other people may not believe it。
claim 多用于指没有证据的声称,某一方的一面之词。这里作者在说明记者这一方指控的内容时便用了claim这个词。
claim 后面常跟that引导的宾语从句,that可省略:claim (that) ...,也可以跟不定式短语:claim to do sth
Zach, how can you claim to care about me and lie to my face.

The 35-year-old retired player was regarded as a national hero after winning two gold medals at the 2012 London Olympics. He has accumulated millions of fans on social media, where he often posted videos of his career highlights and interacted with fans.
在 2012 年伦敦奥运会上豪取两金后,这位 35 岁现已退役的乒乓国手曾被视为是民族英雄。这些年来,他的社交媒体账号已收获数百万粉丝,他也经常通过账号发布职业高光视频,并同粉丝互动。

accumulate [əˈkjuːmjʊleɪt]  为动词,指「积累,积聚」(to gradually get more and more of sth over a period of time)。比如:accumulate a fortune 积累一笔财富
accumulate XX fans 便指「有多少粉丝」。

highlight 此处为名词,由high(高)和light(光)构成,指「高光时刻,最精彩的部分」(the best, most interesting or most exciting part of sth)。

Videos on the platform, which range from sports highlights to self-help lectures and everything in between , attract an average of 1.2bn daily views.从体育赛事精彩片段到励志演讲,B站上各类视频应有尽有,日均观看量达12亿次。

再举个例子:One of the highlights of the trip was seeing the Taj Mahal. 这次旅行中的最精彩的一件事是参观泰姬陵。 

highlight 作动词,指「高亮」,我们平时用荧光笔在书上划重点这个动作,就叫highlight,因而引申出「强调,突出」的意思。类似表达还有underlineunderscore
interact with sb 指「与...交流,与...互动」(if people interact with each other, they talk to each other, work together etc)。

In a separate post on WeChat published Sunday, Li, who now works at the Economic Observer newspaper, said Zhang has debts of 22 million yuan ($31 million) with a creditor, to whom he sent the videos. Zhang reportedly told the creditor that he had joint property with the actress.

这里to whom he sent the videos 是一个由介词+关系代词构成的定语从句,修饰先行词a creditor,a creditor, to whom he sent the videos 指「张继科传视频的//债权人」。
He sent the videos to the creditor.
joint property 指「共同财产」。
joint 为形容词,指「共同的,共有的,联合的」,我们通过join来记忆。
比如:a joint statement 联合声明 a joint effort 共同的努力 a joint venture 合资企业

The creditor later sent the video to Jing, threatening her to repay Zhang’s debts, according to Li’s WeChat post. But the actress took the creditor to court, where Zhang reportedly testified and confessed that he had sent the videos.

repay 为动词,指「偿还,偿付」贷款或债务,与前面的pay off互为同义替换。
repayment 为其名词形式,作不可数名词时,指「偿还」这个动作,作可数名词时,指「分期付款额」。我们分别来看两个例子:
Many workers do not have big safety buffers either. They risk losing their incomes and their jobs while still having to make mortgage repayments and buy essential goods.许多劳动者也没有多少安全缓冲。他们可能会失去收入和工作,但仍然要还按揭及购买生活必需品。
take sb to the court 指「把...告上法庭」。
reportedly [rɪˈpɔːtɪdli] 为副词,指「据说,据传,据报道」(according to what some people say)。
testify [ˈtestɪfaɪ]  为动词,指在法庭上「作证」。
再扩展一个高频短语:testify to sth 指「证明,证实」(If one thing testifies to another, it supports the belief that the second thing is true)。
比如:The empty shops in the high street testify to the depth of the recession.大街上空无一人的商店说明了经济萧条的严重程度。

Li said he had been investigating Zhang’s debts since 2020 after meeting the table tennis player’s creditor in the central city of Wuhan. The creditor, who Jing sued, had then confessed to Li that he had received several videos of the actress.
李微敖表示,他自 2020 年在中部城市武汉见过张继科的债主后,就持续对此展开调查。这位后来遭景甜起诉的债权人告诉李微敖,他曾收到过该女星的几段隐私视频。

“Zhang’s debt case is more than celebrity tittle-tattle — it’s a serious criminal case,” Li wrotein another Weibo post. “Miss Jing is the victim in the whole incident.”

tittle-tattle  [ˈtɪtl ˌtætl]  指「闲聊,闲言碎语」(unimportant conversation about other people and what they are doing)。
celebrity tittle-tattle 便表示「明星八卦」。

Do you think it's not become the tittle-tattle of Milton.

为动词,指「打小报告」(to tell sb, especially sb in authority, about sth bad that sb else has done)。介词搭配为tattle (on sb) (to sb)


Friends don't tattle on friends.

That wretched little tattletale.

Following the recent accusation, many of Zhang’s fans have turned against him, with some even digging into his past. Some Weibo users have posted newspaper articles dating back to 2004 which reported on his gambling habit, while others have posted stories about Zhang’s involvement in several sponsorship disputes, resulting in losses for the companies involved.
随着事件不断发酵,张继科的许多粉丝也“由粉转黑”,一些前粉丝甚至开始深挖他的历史黑料。一些微博用户晒出报道张继科有赌瘾的2004 年旧报,另一些网友则指出张继科履陷赞助纠纷,致使涉事公司蒙受损失。

following 为介词,指「在某事以后,由于」(after or as a result of a particular event)。

But following other recent high-profile cases of the mistreatment of women, a widely shared WeChat post on Saturday took issue with the initial official framing of the assault as a simple act of violence. 然而,周六一则被广泛分享的微信推文对官方最初将这起性骚扰恶行简单定性为暴力事件提出质疑。此前,多起女性受虐案件已持续引发热议。

turn against sb 指「反感,反对」。我们也可以说 turn sb against sb 指「让...反感...,让...与...反目成仇」。

It escalates, and he turns his army of followers against me.

I mean, that one will turn you against me.
句中with // some // even digging into his past 是一个由「with+代词+现在分词短语」构成的with复合结构,在句子中作伴随状语。some指代some fans 指「一些粉丝」。

dig into sth 往...里挖,表示「探究,探寻」(to try to find out about something unknown or secret),很形象的一个词。
Do-yeong meets with Choi Hye-jeong to find out more about his wife — and her past. Yeon-jin digs into Dong-eun’s private life.
近义词还有:delve into sth, probe into sth。
involvement [in'vɔlvmǝnt] 为不可数名词,指「参与,加入」(the act of taking part in an activity or event, or the way in which you take part in it)。动词形式为involve
sponsorship disputes 指「赞助纠纷」。
sponsorship 作不可数名词时,指「赞助,资助」这个行为,作可数名词时,指「赞助金」。
But senior medical figures want to stop fast-food outlets opening near schools, restrict advertising of products high in fat, salt or sugar, and limit sponsorship of sports events by fast-food producers such as McDonald's. 但是资深医学专家想要做的是阻止在学校附近开设快餐店,限制高脂高盐高糖⻝品的广告宣传,并限制像⻨当劳这样的快餐生产商对体育赛事的赞助。
sponsor 作名词,指「赞助者,赞助商」,作动词,指「赞助,资助」。

dispute 作名词,指「争端,纠纷」。

Meanwhile, many social media users have shown their support for Jing, who hasn’t commented on the issue yet. Many said that Zhang had violated Jing’s privacy, with some demanding an apology from the former player.

comment on sth 为动词短语,指「评论,对...发表意见」。
violate one's privacy 指「侵犯某人的隐私」。

Zhang’s representatives posted a lawyer’s statement Friday, in which it claimed that it would hold those violators who have infringed Zhang’s reputation accountable.

accountable [əˈkaʊntəbl] 为形容词,指「负有责任的」。hold sb accountable (for sth)  指「让某人对...负责」。

We’ll make sure that our findings help international efforts to investigate war crimes and hold those responsible accountable. 我们将确保相关发现有助于国际社会对战争罪行的调查和对相关责任人的追究。

I have to hold myself accountable.
violator 指「违反者」。

infringe  [ɪnˈfrɪndʒ]  为动词,指「侵犯」权益、「违反」法律(to do something that is against a law or someone’s legal rights)。infringe sb's reputation 指「侵犯某人的名誉权」。

infringement 为其名词形式,指对...「侵犯,侵害」。比如:copyright infringement 侵犯版权  infringements of human rights 侵犯人权 an infringement of the rules 违反规章制度
As I've argued repeatedly, this is trademark infringement.


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