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Industry Today丨Weekly Roundup (03/24/2023)

日期: 来源:山石网科安全技术研究院收集编辑:

Microsoft Outlook Vulnerability Could Be 2023's 'It' Bug

Microsoft recently patched a zero-day vulnerability under active exploit in Microsoft Outlook, identified as CVE-2023-23397, which could enable an attacker to perform a privilege escalation, accessing the victim's Net-NTLMv2 challenge-response authentication hash and impersonating the user. (Dark Reading)

Fortinet Fuels 11:11 Systems Managed SD-WAN and Firewall

The managed product, dubbed 11:11 Connectivity Solutions, allows enterprises to secure client locations from a single portal, ease management, and keep costs down by only having one appliance, explained Anthony Lobretto, SVP of Connectivity Services at 11:11 Systems. (SDxCentral)

Microsoft’s Bing Boosts Search Traffic VS Google Thanks to OpenAI Tech

Microsoft-owned Bing has achieved more growth in the number of people who visit the little-used search engine vs market leader Google in page visits — following the integration of OpenAI’s technology, according to data from analytics firm Similarweb. (Infotechlead)

IBM, Cleveland Clinic Install World's First Quantum Computer for Health Care Research

Academic medical center Cleveland Clinic today installed the first quantum computer in the world that is uniquely dedicated to health care research – IBM’s Quantum System One. It’s also the first on-site IBM-managed quantum computer for the private sector in the United States. (SDxCentral)

Cisco, Telenor Re-Up Security, Multicloud, ESG Efforts

Cisco and Norway-based telecom giant Telenor re-upped a long-standing agreement to develop new as-a-service business opportunities and research tied to cybersecurity, multi-cloud use cases, and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues. (SDxCentral)

Juniper Adds AI Smarts to Cloud-Hosted Campus Network Fabric Workflows

Juniper Networks is looking to push even more campus network management to the cloud, with a little help from artificial intelligence (AI). Juniper has been steadily adding AI capabilities into its networking gear since at least 2019, when the company acquired Mist AI for $405 million. Over the last several years Juniper has been extending and integrating the Mist AI technology across its portfolio in an effort to make networks smarter and more autonomous. (SDxCentral)

Sophos Partners with Cowbell to Provide Businesses with Easier Access to Cyber Insurance

Sophos, a global leader in innovating and delivering cybersecurity as a service, today announced that it has partnered with Cowbell, a leading provider of cyber insurance for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the U.S. The partnership provides businesses with an easy way to access cyber insurance and will allow Sophos customers to directly share their security health information with Cowbell to better facilitate optimal premium quotes and policies. (Sophos)

Google Exposes 18 Zero-Day Flaws in Samsung Exynos Chips

The Project Zero team at Google published a new advisory on Thursday, confirming it reported 18 zero-day vulnerabilities in Exynos Modems made by Samsung between late 2022 and early 2023. Written by Project Zero head, Tim Willis, the blog post states that four of the vulnerabilities (CVE-2023-24033 and three others that have yet to be assigned CVE-IDs) enabled potential attackers to perform internet-to-baseband remote code execution (RCE). (Infosecurity Magazine)

Gartner Ties AI to ESG, Ethical Concerns

Sustainability and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) topics continue to take up space on enterprise agendas, leaving data, analytics, and artificial intelligence (AI) to “make a difference across” each of ESG’s three dimensions, Gartner Senior Director Analyst Lydia Ferguson said. The analyst firm reported 80% of enterprise boards expect to increase sustainability and ESG investments during the next two years. For modern organizations, that means working toward energy efficiency and decarbonization goals “is a mission critical priority,” Ferguson stressed during a presentation at Gartner’s Data and Analytics Summit. (SDxCentral)

F5 Expands Multi-Cloud Networking Connectivity and App Visibility

F5 is well-known for its BIG-IP application delivery controller (ADC) technologies, but that’s not all the networking vendor is building. Yesterday, F5 announced a series of new capabilities for its multi-cloud networking technology, including Distributed Cloud App Connect and Distributed Cloud Network Connect (SDxCentral)

Dell Strengthens Security Portfolio

Dell Technologies has announced new security services and solutions to help organisations protect against threats, respond to attacks and secure their devices, systems and clouds. Seventy-two percent of IT business leaders and professionals believe the changing working world exposes their organization to even greater risk. The highly distributed IT environment creates new opportunities for cybercriminals and require organisations to transform their approach to securing and recovering their data and systems. (IT-Online) 

Mastercard Buys Cybersecurity Company Baffin Bay Networks

Baffin Bay Networks, based in Sweden, adds to Mastercard’s multi-layered approach to cyber security and helps to stop attacks, while mitigating exposure to risk across the ecosystem. Mastercard did not reveal financial details of the deal to buy Baffin Bay Networks. (Infotechlead)


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