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日期: 来源:胶东在线收集编辑:胶东在线


  Muping Xiantan Green Food Industrial Park: the World's and Regional Largest Single-Body Slaughter and Process Production Line


  The project is located in Shandong’s convergence and promotion zone of rural revitalization, invested and constructed by Xiantan, one of China’s five white-feathered chicken listed companies. It covers an area of 338 acres with an investment of 1.2 billion yuan, which is Xiantan’s key project transforming from a "breeding + slaughtering" agricultural enterprise to a deep integration agricultural enterprises. After the completion, it can achieve annual output value of more than 6.6 billion yuan, profits and taxes of 275 million yuan, once reaching designed capacity. The project is a win-win road for enterprise growth, government benefit, and farmers’ income. The project has three main features:


  First is that it seizes new chances. Based on consolidating the existing advantages of broiler slaughtering, segmentation, refrigeration and sales, the project has successively built "Xiantan Xian" and "Xiantan Qing" food, and now has the world's and regional largest single-body slaughter and process production line with the most advanced automation equipment, being able to realize an annual output of 500,000 tons of broiler products. Seizing the opportunity of developing precooked food, Xiantan initiated the construction of "Xiantan Hong" food, introducing globally-leading, domestic first-class equipment and technology for the production of "fried, smoked, steamed, baked, braised" and other series of precooked food. The first-phase has been completed and put into production, and the second-phase will be put into use within this year, while the third-phase is under planning to cover an area of 100 acres. After reaching full designed capacity, the output value of the precooked food industry can achieve 2 billion yuan with a profit and tax revenue of 100 million yuan, realizing the transformation from seizing the opportunity to lead the industry.


  Second, it completes the whole industrial chain. The project focuses on the expansion and extension of the white-feathered chicken industry, and builds the whole industrial chain that includes feed supply, parent broiler breeding, commercial broiler incubation, slaughter and processing, raw chicken product processing, deep-processing of precooked food, organic fertilizer processing. While continuing to supply KFC, Shuanghui, Wallace, COFCO and other well-known enterprises at home and abroad, it’s also turning to individual consumers, leveraging the advantages of high protein, low fat, low calorie and low cholesterol. In the next three years, it will help the region's food processing industry output value to go from the current scale of 10 billion yuan to 20 billion yuan, and break through the 40 billion yuan milestone in five years.


  Third is that it plays a role as a driving force. The project is rooted in rural areas, focusing on agriculture, serving farmers, relying on the "ten unified" production system which is a pioneer in the country. It aims to create an operating mode that is the most healthiest, has the most extensive radiation area and the strongest driving ability across China. It has developed 2,000 farms, covering 9 districts, 32 towns and 380 villages of Yantai and Weihai, influencing an area of more than 2,000 square kilometers, directly and indirectly offering employment for more than 50,000 rural labor, increasing farmers' annual income of more than 5 billion yuan, and raising per capita income of over 100,000 yuan, hence becoming a leading role to create a model of rural revitalization of Qilu.


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