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In Shandong丨泰山驴油火烧:咸香酥脆传千年

日期: 来源:海报新闻收集编辑:海报新闻


  拥有壮美自然景观的山东,钟灵毓秀,美不胜收;拥有“孔孟之乡、礼仪之邦”美誉的山东,历史悠久,文化灿烂;拥有大气鲁菜和精致小吃的山东,热气腾腾,珍馐飘香……《In Shandong》原创英文系列视频,邀请外国友人一起品鉴山东的“颜值”“滋味”和“内涵”,一起走近勤劳聪慧的山东人。

  Tai'an is a city with both historical and cultural significance, and its local food culture is especially profound. Among the famous foods in Tai'an, Taishan Donkey Oil Sesame Cake is an iconic one, and its cooking technique was selected into Shandong provincial intangible cultural heritage in 2011.


  Taishan Donkey Oil Sesame Cake has a paper-thin layer with a beautiful lustering color, and it tastes crispy and delicious.According to legend, more than 2000 years ago, when Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty offered sacrifices to Heaven on Mount Tai, he stationed himself in the ancient Fenggao County. During a meal, a food officer added local donkey oil and other seasonings to the dough when making “mo“, the staple food for the army, and used baking techniques instead of steaming.The baked “mo” became golden in color, with sesame seeds on both sides,giving out a tempting aroma. The food officer offered the baked “mo“ to Emperor Wu for tasting, and the “mo” turned out to be crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, with clear layers when cut into halves. It was uniform in thickness, salty and delicious, and offered a long aftertaste.Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty was greatly pleased, and Taishan Donkey Oil Sesame Cake became famous all over the country.The ancient Silk Road from Luoyang to Zhoucun stretched across the area of Mount Tai, and the merchants used the baked sesame cakes as advanced staple food and brought them to the countries of the Western Regions as gifts, which made them even more popular at that time.


  With refined flour and donkey oil as the main ingredients, Taishan Donkey Oil Sesame Cake contained other seasonings, such as pepper powder, fennel powder, sesame seeds and sesame oil. After the dough is kneaded into a flattened pastry and sprinkled with sesame seeds, it can be baked and ready for serve. The special aroma of the donkey oil and the crispness of the cake together make it a unique delicacy.It is worth mentioning that it takes more than an hour to boil the donkey oil alone, and the whole process takes three to four hours to make all the ingredients from a dough to a pastry--each step of which consists the efforts of the cook. Covered by a thick layer of black and shiny sesame seeds, wafting the smell of wheat, the baked sesame cake offers you a crispy feeling in your mouth, which leaves you a longer aftertaste.









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