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日期: 来源:海南卫视收集编辑:海南卫视

戳上方蓝字 更多精彩等你看!Mexican Ambassador entered the "The World’s Specialty” to tell histories of domestic specialties| encounter bosom civilization, embrace the "familiar greetings" from far beyondEP.3天下快意之事莫若友,快友之事莫若谈。本周《全球国货之光》节目将带你踏上古代海上丝绸之路的航船,走进历史悠久、文明璀璨的墨西哥,共享墨西哥国货,体验来自地球另一端的文化共鸣。中国首档大型对外文化经贸交流节目《全球国货之光》由海南广播电视总台、海南省外事办公室联合主办,海南卫视每周六19:30精彩呈现,敬请期待!The most pleasant thing in the world is to have a bunch of friends to communicate with. This week, The World’s Specialty will take you on a ship along the ancient Maritime Silk Road to Mexico, a country with a long history and splendid civilization. Share Mexican goods and experience cultural resonance from the other side of the world. China's first large-scale foreign cultural and economic exchange program " The World’s Specialty " is co-sponsored by Hainan Broadcasting Group and Hainan Foreign Affairs Office. It will be presented by Hainan TV at 19:30pm every Saturday. Please stay tuned!墨西哥Mexico《全球国货之光》墨西哥专场 Episode for Mexico大约九千年前,古代墨西哥人驯化了玉米,推动了农业革命,并由此产生了多样的文明。在文明的熏陶与孕育下,墨西哥诞生了。本期节目,就让我们跟随墨西哥驻华大使施雅德阁下一同解读隽永历史的国家基因,在墨西哥驻华大使馆文化处负责人孟慧俊先生的讲述中,感受墨西哥国货的绚丽色彩,感悟传统文化与现代文明在这片遥远土地之上熠熠生辉。About 9,000 years ago, ancient Mexicans tamed corn, fueling the agricultural revolution that gave rise to diverse civilizations. Under the influence of civilization, Mexico was born. In this program, let's follow the Mexican Ambassador to China, Mr. Seade, to interpret the meaningful history of the country's genes. In the narration of Mr. Meng, head of the Cultural Section of the Mexican Embassy in China, feel the brilliant colors of Mexican products and realize the traditional culture as well as modern civilization shining in this distant land.❤古海上丝路扬帆「文化共鸣」越是走近墨西哥,这个远在地球另一端的国度,你就越会感受到一种莫名的熟悉之感。早在16世纪,中国人远涉重洋,在太平洋开辟了一条“海上丝绸之路”,著名的“中国之船”频繁往来于墨西哥西岸的阿卡普尔科,将中国的丝绸、瓷器、纺织和刺绣工艺传入墨西哥;墨西哥的玉米、棉花、可可、木薯等产品也从那时起进入中国。The closer you get to Mexico, a country on the other side of the world, the more strangely familiar you feel. As early as in the 16th century, the Chinese crossed the oceans and opened a "maritime Silk Road" in the Pacific Ocean. Ships of China frequently traveled to Acapulco on the west coast of Mexico, introducing Chinese silk, porcelain, textile and embroidery techniques to Mexico. Mexican corn, cotton, cocoa, cassava and other products have also entered China since then.墨西哥驻华大使施雅德阁下在节目中感慨道:“我很惊讶我在中国发现了这么多和墨西哥的相似之处”;作为墨西哥驻华大使馆文化处的负责人,孟慧俊先生也发出了同样的感叹:“墨西哥国货在一些细节上,竟然与中国朋友的产品如此相似。”"I was surprised to find so many similarities between China and Mexico," said the Mexican Ambassador to China. As the head of the cultural section of the Mexican Embassy in China, Mr. Meng also claimed: "In some details, Mexican products are so similar to the products of our Chinese friends."究竟是哪里相似?你或许了解墨西哥闻名全球的玛雅金字塔、阿兹特克文明、太阳金字塔......但如果,你想探寻中墨两国文化的“异曲同工”,千万不要错过本期精彩节目。How exactly is it similar? You may know Mexico's world-famous Mayan pyramids, Aztec civilization, Pyramid of the Sun...... But if you want to explore the similarities and differences between Chinese and Mexican cultures, don't miss this wonderful episode.❤传统与神话交织「国货共鸣」<<<左右滑动查看>>><<< Swipe left and right to see more >>>生活在四大文明古国之一的墨西哥,这里的人们日常生活极富历史传统韵味。而自他们生活之中诞生的国货,也因此从历史的缝隙中散发出自己的魅力。热烈浪漫的墨西哥人,不仅以本国国货的优秀品质为荣,更为国货背后的历史记载与神话为傲。Living in Mexico, one of the four ancient civilizations, the daily life of people here is full of historical and traditional charm. The domestics originated from their life, and therefore from the cracks of history to emit their own charm. Passionate and romantic Mexicans take pride not only in the excellent quality of their products, but also in the historical records and myths behind them.<<<左右滑动查看>>><<< Swipe left and right to see more >>>你或许也会对此感兴趣,比如,梅斯卡尔酒为什么被称为“诸神之饮”,又为什么被看做是上天赠予的礼物?精致的黏土手工艺品缘何被称为“生命之树”?特南格刺绣上的颜色代表了什么样的意涵,又讲述了什么样的故事?它与中国海南黎族同样代代传承的黎锦之间,又会擦碰出何种文化交流的火花?墨西哥传统食材奇亚籽为何被称为“风神的礼物”?你知道可可豆的种植史有多久吗?它又是如何从墨西哥走向世界?You may also be interested in, for example, why Mezcal is called the "drink of the gods" and why it is considered a gift from the gods. Why are delicate clay artifacts called "Trees of Life"? What do the colors on Tenango's embroidery mean, and what stories do they tell? What kind of sparks will arise between it and Li Brocade, which is also inherited from generation to generation by Li nationality in Hainan, China? Why are chia seeds, a traditional Mexican food, called the Gift of the Wind God? Do you know how long cocoa beans have been growing? How did it go from Mexico to the world?2010年11月,墨西哥美食被联合国教科文组织列入世界非物质文化遗产名录。这样的味蕾盛宴怎容错过?节目播出同时,“全球国货之光”抖音直播间将同步上架墨西哥优质国货。扫描文末二维码进入直播间,更有墨西哥国货好礼相送!In November 2010, Mexican cuisine was added to UNESCO's World Intangible Cultural Heritage list. How can such a feast of taste buds be fault-tolerant? At the same time, "The World’s Specialty" Douyin livestreaming room will simultaneously put on Mexican high-quality domestic products. Scan the QR code at the end of the article to enter the livestreaming room, more Mexican goods gift!JUMEX ON 1.“技术力满满”的果美乐果汁:独创小蓝罐“保鲜桶”技术,高真空惰性气体保鲜抗氧化科技,锁鲜健康无污染。Scrumptious Jumex Juice: Unique small blue "fresh-keeping can ". High vacuum inert gas preservation and antioxidant technology, to lock fresh, healthy, and pollution-free.Felix ON 2.“百分百纯天然”的Félix果汁:由超过50%的天然果汁制成,其余的是气泡水,没有任何人造成分(不含防腐剂、人造香料或色素)Felix Juice "100 percent Natural" : Made with more than 50 percent natural juice, the rest is sparkling water, without any artificial ingredients (no preservatives, artificial flavors, or colors)La CosteñaON 3.“金字招牌”La Costeña 乐口泰:来自墨西哥家喻户晓的酱料品牌,其制造商历史超过96年,是墨西哥乃至全球酱料品牌的“金字招牌”。La Costeña: A household sauce brand from Mexico. Its manufacturer has a history of more than 96 years. It is the "golden brand" of sauce brands in Mexico and even the world.JUMEX |FélixON 4.抢“鲜”下单,即刻品尝来着墨西哥的特色风味!与此同时,“全球国货之光‘抖音直播间还将首发推出「墨西哥果汁新春礼盒」,随心组合给你多重味蕾体验!Grab the "fresh" order, immediately taste the special flavor of Mexico! At the same time, " The World’s Specialty " Douyin livestreaming room will also launch the "Mexican juice Spring Festival gift box", rational combination to give you multiple taste buds experience!❤历史与未来呼唤「情感共鸣」同样悠久的文化传统,成为了中国和墨西哥彼此欣赏和交流的基础。向前追溯至十六世纪,在大洋和狂风的阻隔面前,中国和墨西哥如何搭建起彼此往来的渠道?历史的足迹延伸至今天,为深厚中墨友谊而来的施雅德大使,又与中国有着怎样的不解之缘?The same time-honored cultural traditions have become the basis of mutual appreciation and exchange between China and Mexico. Back in the 16th century, how did China and Mexico build a channel to each other in the face of ocean and fierce wind? The footprints of history extend to today. What kind of indissoluble bond does Ambassador Seade have with China for the deep friendship between China and Mexico?人们常常幻想,遇见世界上的另一个自己是什么感觉?如果“国货”拥有自己的灵魂,穿越千年历史的它们,是否也会为大洋彼岸另一个古国的“知音”而雀跃?1月14日19:30 ,关注海南卫视《全球国货之光》,让我们一同迎接来自墨西哥“熟悉的问候”!People often fantasize about what it would be like to meet an alter ego in the world. If "domestics" have their own soul, through thousands of years of history, they will also be happy for another ancient country on the other side of the ocean. At 19:30 on January 14th, stay tuned to the "The World’s Specialty" of Hainan TV. Let's welcome the "familiar greetings" from Mexico together!评论❤点赞


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