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日期: 来源:独霸上海的妖怪收集编辑:Lexie


最近爆火的韩剧《黑暗荣耀》大家看了吗?这个月初,《黑暗荣耀》第二部上线,再掀现象级收视风潮,不仅在东亚地区毫无悬念位居Netflix收视榜首,更在全球79个国家都打入收视前十,短短三天就在Netflix全球Top 10非英语影集排行榜登顶。


Netflix 官网用十分简洁、精炼的语言,概括了每一集的主要剧情,用到了许多地道又实用的表达。我刚看完第一季,这一期,先带同学们读一读第一季的八句介绍里出现的精彩表达。

 The Glory


Years after surviving horrific abuse in high school, a woman puts an elaborate revenge scheme in motion to make the perpetrators pay for their crimes.


survive sth 指「从…中幸存下来,艰难度过...」(to continue to live or exist despite a dangerous event or time)。

I was no longer so pretty, but I was not so neurotic either. I had survived loss and mistakes and ill-considered decisions; if this relationship failed, I’d survive that too.

horrific [hɒˈrɪfɪk] 为形容词,指「可怕的,恐怖的,令人恐惧的」(extremely bad, in a way that is frightening or upsetting)。
abuse 作名词,有3个意思,我们来分别看一些例子:
① 指「虐待」。这里的abuse指的便是校园暴力。
再比如:domestic abuse 家庭暴力,家庭虐待 child abuse 虐待儿童 。
Verbal abuse, online bullying and harassment and doxing were taking place.“饭圈”粉丝互撕谩骂、霸凌骚扰、人肉搜索等行为时有发生。

It sat there and I shouted abuse. 
shout abuse at sbhurl abuse at sbscream abuse at sb 都可以表示「辱骂某人」。
比如:abuse of power 滥用权力。
elaborate [ɪ'læbərət] 作形容词时,表示「复杂的,详尽的,精心设计的」(very complicated and detailed, carefully prepared and organized)。这里用elaborate就比用我们熟悉的complicated更加精准。
句中an elaborate revenge scheme 便指「精心制定的复仇计划」。
美剧This is Us里也用到了这个词:
Do you not see my elaborate setup?
elaborate 还可作动词,有两个高频词义:
1)表示「精心制作,详细制定」(to develop sth by making it more complicated and more effective)。
比如:In his play he takes simple traditional tales and elaborates them. 他在剧本里采用了一些简单的传统故事并加以发挥。
2)表示「详细阐述,详细描述」(to give more details or new information about something),惯用搭配为elaborate on / upon sth。
比如:McDonald refused to elaborate on his reasons for resigning. 麦克唐纳拒绝细说他辞职的原因。

Can you elaborate ? 
revenge 为不可数名词,指「报复,复仇」(the act of doing something to hurt someone because they have done something bad to you)
revenge 也可作动词,revenge oneself on sb 指「向某人报仇」。

scheme 为名词,指「计划,计谋,诡计」(A scheme is someone's plan for achieving something)。这里 a revenge scheme 即「复仇计划」。
再举个例子:an elaborate scheme to avoid taxes 周密的避税方案 
scheme 也可作动词,表示「图谋,密谋,秘密策划」(to secretly make clever and dishonest plans to get or achieve something)。
put / set sth in motion 指「使某事开始...」(to start a process or series of events that will continue for some time),相当于start sth。
It remains to be seen how far China will go to stem its decline in population, which was set in motion when the country’s fertility rate began to plummet decades ago.中国能在多大程度上遏制人口下降仍有待观察。中国的人口下降趋势开始于几十年前,那时中国的生育率开始急剧下降。
perpetrator [ˈpɜːpətreɪtər] 为可数名词,指「犯罪者,作恶者」(the people who commit a crime or do something wrong),相当于criminal
perpetrate [ˈpɜːpətreɪt] 为动词形式,指「犯罪,作恶」(to commit a crime or do something wrong),相当于commit。
比如:to perpetrate a crime / fraud / massacre 犯罪,行骗,进行屠杀

What intel do you have of the perpetrators?
pay for sth 指「为某事付出代价」。比如:pay for the mistakes 为错误付出代价。
 Episode 1
Tormented by her high school classmates and with nowhere to turn for help, Moon Dong-eun sinks into despair before deciding on a new mission in life.
torment [ˈtɔːment] 作动词时,指「折磨,使...痛苦万分」(to cause someone to suffer greatly)。
句中tormented by her high school classmates是一个过去分词短语作句子的原因状语,说明Moon Dong-eun sinks into despair的原因。

Lee Sun, who feels tormented by the noise of her neighbours’ children, says she is considering putting up a notice in the lift to shame them publicly.
李善(Lee Sun)则被邻居孩子的噪音搞得痛苦不堪,她说她正想着在电梯里贴张告示,公开羞辱邻居一番。


With decades-high inflation continuing to torment the U.S. and many developed countries, that makes China an outlier among the world’s largest economies.

torment 还可作名词,作不可数名词时,指「折磨,痛苦」(severe mental or physical suffering)。

State media have reported on their sufferings, including the torment of those abandoned with no one to look after them. (in 2010 there were at least 2m without carers).


torment 作可数名词时,指「使人痛苦的人,折磨人的事物」(someone or something that makes you suffer a lot)。
These past months have been a torment.
Boys are more likely to use their hands and feet. Female tormentors prefer “relational” bullying, such as spreading false rumours or exclusion from a social group.

turn  to sb / turn to sb for help  指「向...求助」(to look for help from someone)。
比如:The Namibian government turned to South Africa for help. 纳米比亚政府向南非求援。
文中with nowhere to turn for help 便表示「求助无门」。

Who do you turn to when you feel this way ?

He turned to Alan Conway, not just out of desire, but out of desperation.
sink into sth sink本来是「下沉」的意思,sink into sth 喻指「逐渐陷入某种状态」(to enter into a state of something negative),尤其是指不好的状态。句中sink into despair 便指「陷入绝望」。
再举个例子:He sank deeper into depression.  他越来越消沉。 

 Episode 2
With Park Yeon-jin’s wedding on the way, Dong-eun’s revenge rolls out according to plan. Meanwhile, a fateful encounter at a hospital takes place.
on the way 在路上,指「即将到来,即将发生」(arriving or happening soon)。
roll out sth roll 作名词时,是 「卷,卷轴」的意思,作动词roll out sth  将卷轴展开,这里喻指「展开」。roll out according to plan 即「按计划进行」。
fateful 由fate和ful构成,影响命运的,表示「对未来有重大影响的,决定性的 」(having an important, especially bad, effect on future events)。这里 a fateful encounter 便指「一次命运般的重大相遇」。
encounter 还可作可数名词,指「相遇,邂逅,冲突」( a meeting, especially one that is sudden, unexpected or violent)。

encounter 还可作动词,encounter sb 表示「偶然碰到...,意外邂逅...」。

再举个例子: I first encountered him when studying at Peking Univeristy. 我第一次遇到他是在北大读书时。

encounter sth 则指「遭遇,遇到」某事,相当于experience sth 。
比如:我遇到了很多困难。I encountered many hardships.

 Episode 3
After securing the services of an amateur sleuth, Dong-eun uncovers scandalous secrets that she leverages for the next phase of her scheme.
secure 这里是动词,表示「获得,得到」(to get or achieve something that will be permanent, especially after a lot of effort),尤其是指经过努力后获得某物。
比如:secure a good job 找到好工作

I have finally secured the purchase of Randalls estate.
Mr. B, what do you think this gallary. Ms.Li secured it for you.
amateur [ˈæmətər] 作形容词,指「业余的,非专业的」,与professional相对amateur 也可名词,指「业余爱好者」。
sleuth [sluːθ] 为可数名词,指「侦探」,相当于detective。这是一个戏谑的叫法。这里an amateur sleuth 即「业余侦探」,也就是剧中被家暴的大婶。
You know, I was quite the amateur sleuth as a boy.
uncover 为动词,由un-和动词cover(覆盖)构成,指「揭露,发现」(to discover something that was hidden or secret),相当于disclose, reveal。
比如:uncover a scandal 揭露丑闻。
scandalous [ˈskændələs] 为形容词,来自名词scandal(丑闻),指「丑闻的,不体面的」(causing public outrage by a perceived offense against morality or law)。比如:a scandalous affair 丑闻事件。

You've become a scandalous figure. Nobody wants to come out and support you when you're a scandalous figure.
leverage [ 'lɛvərɪdʒ] 作名词时,是「杠杆作用」的意思。所谓杠杆作用,就是利用一个支点,以较小的力获得较大的收益。
因此,leverage 作动词时,指「充分利用...」(to use something to maximum advantage),相当于take full advantage of sth。
比如:leverage social media to promote a product 利用社交媒体宣传产品。
 Episode 4
Already on edge over the past resurfacing, Yeon-jin grows more anxious when she learns about her daughter's new homeroom teacher — and of a sudden death.
be on edge edge 是「边缘」的意思,be on edge  处于边缘,形容人「紧张不安的,如坐针毡的,惴惴不安的」(to be tense and nervous)。

Yes, I'm sorry. I'm a tad on edge.
resurface 为动词,由re-和surface构成,指「重新浮现,再次露面」(to appear again after being hidden or absent)。
比如:the old memories resurface 旧的回忆再次浮现。
homeroom 为名词,原本指「点到室」。很多国家的中小学采用的是走班制,学生每天去要去很多不同教室上课。homeroom是所有学生每天必须去接受点名的教室。a homeroom teacher 便指「班主任」。
 Episode 5

While Ha Do-yeong comes across an intriguing game opponent, Yeon-jin realizes her deepest secrets are at stake when she tries to intimidate Dong-eun.
come across sb / sth 指「偶然发现,偶然遇见」(to find something by chance)。比如:come across an old photo of myself 偶然发现了一张自己的旧照片。
intriguing [ɪnˈtriː.gɪŋ] 是一个形容词,表示「非常有趣的,迷人的,引人入胜」。
我们来看看英文解释:something that is intriguing is very interesting because it is strange, mysterious, or unexpected。

intrigue 可以作名词(重音在前在后均可),也可以作动词(重音在后)。
Now I am intrigued.
I just talked to him and he's intrigued.
opponent [əˈpəʊnənt] 为名词,这里指「对手,竞争者」,相当于rival, adversary, competition。

You do that in a fight and your opponent would laugh at you.

opponent 还可表示「反对者」(a person who is against something or someone else; a competitor)。
在作文中,当我们要引出反方观点时,可以这么说:Opponents of sth argue that…
Opponents of the ban argue that the trade should be preserved for its artistic and historical significance. 禁令的反对者主张应为了艺术和历史意义保留古董象牙贸易。
be at stake 是一个高频词组,指「处于危险之中,岌岌可危」(to be in danger of being lost or harmed)。
我们来看两个美剧里的例子:Our family's survival is at stake. Please.

The future of the company is at stake.
intimidate [ɪnˈtɪmədeɪt] 为动词,指「恐吓,威胁」(to frighten or threaten sb so that they will do what you want),相当于frighten, threaten。
介词搭配为 intimidate sb into doing sth 指「威胁某人做某事」。

I‘m intimidated by you. And why is that?
比如:They tried to intimidate the young people into voting for them. 他们试图胁迫年轻人投票给他们。

 Episode 6
Son Myeong-o's sudden absence causes tension in the friend group. Dong-eun finds her trust in Kang Hyeon-nam tested.
absence 为名词,指「缺席,不在场」(the state of being away or not present)。
absent 为形容词,指「缺席的,不在的」。

Look, you need to be prepared for the fact that Nora is going to portray you as a neglectful, absent father.
tension 为名词,指「紧张气氛」(a state of mental or emotional strain)。
比如:the tension between the two countries 两国之间的紧张关系。
find sb / sth+ done 指「发现某人 / 某物...」。这里finds her trust in Kang Hyeon-nam tested指发现她对姜贤男的信任受到了考验。
再举个例子:She woke up and found herself in a hospital bed. 她醒来发觉自己躺在医院的床上。 
这里便是find sb / sth + adj.结构。
 Episode 7
Dong-eun shares her traumatic past with Joo Yeo-jeong, who has unfinished business of his own. A new plan is put in place for Hyeon-nam’s daughter.

trauma [ˈtrɔː.mə] 为名词,指「创伤」。traumatic [trɔːˈmætɪk] 为形容词形式,指「造成创伤的,痛苦的」(a traumatic experience is so shocking and upsetting that it affects you for a long time)。
我们熟悉的PTSD,全称便是post-traumatic stress disorder,创伤后应激障碍。
That's much more traumatic. For the kids, and for the parents.

put sth in place 指「实施,落实」。be put in place 指「被安排好,被实施」(to be arranged or implemented)。
比如:the new policy has been put in place 新政策已经实施。
Many companies, and governments, say they are putting measures in place to address privacy concerns, like limits on how long data is stored. 许多公司和政府表示,他们正在采取措施解决隐私问题,比如限制数据存储时间。

 Episode 8
Do-yeong meets with Choi Hye-jeong to find out more about his wife — and her past. Yeon-jin digs into Dong-eun’s private life.
dig into sth 往...里挖,表示「探究,探寻」(to try to find out about something unknown or secret),很形象的一个词。
delve into sth 本义是在皮包、袋子里「搜寻,翻找」,喻指「钻研,探究」(to try hard to find out more information about sth)。
Sixth Tone 一篇关于《狂飙》的文章就用到了这个词:
For example, instead of entirely focusing on a gang’s ringleader, the plot delves into his backstory as a cash-strapped fisherman who gets into shady business dealings after struggling to make ends meet.
例如,该剧并未仅围绕高启强的黑老大身份展开叙述,而是深入探究他是如何从一名生 活拮据、艰难度日的渔贩一步步陷入深潭,染手从事不正当商业交易的堕落过程。
probe into sth probe 作名词时指「探针」,引申为「深入调查」,动词短语 probe into sth 便指「调查,打探,探究」(to ask questions in order to find things out, especially things that other people do not want you to know)。
比如:I don’t want to probe too deeply into your personal affairs.我不想过分打探你的私事。



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