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微盟: 大客化战略稳扎稳打,视频号带来新增量

日期: 来源:天风国际收集编辑:天风国际机构研究


(2013 HK)


Steady rollout of large-customer strategy and video accounts adds incremental growth

BUY (maintain)

投资要点/Investment Thesis

投资要点/Investment Thesis


两大核心业务(商家解决方案和数字解决方案);广告(精准营销):商家解决方案主要收入来源;线下SaaS:以智慧零售+智慧餐饮为核心,最重要看点;电商SaaS:小程序全渠道解决方案,订阅解决方案重要收入来源;微商城 v.s 智慧零售——对接不同需求商户

Weimob: backed by Tencent, pursuing extensive development in enterprise-level SaaS

Two key businesses: merchant solutions and digital solutions

•Merchant solutions

–Advertising (precision marketing) is the main source of income

–Micro malls vs smart retail: meeting the needs of a variety of merchants

•Digital solutions

–Offline SaaS: focus on smart retail and smart catering

–Ecommerce SaaS: mini-programs, omnichannel and subscription solutions are the main sources of income.





Industry: fierce competition and vertical market players continue to enter the business

Offline: growth rates are slowing in offline retail and the industry urgently needs new growth drivers. China’s retail sales of goods have trended up over the past 10 years but at gradually slowing rates, according to publicly available data by the National Bureau of Statistics.


Public domain business

•User traffic cost is getting “more and more prohibitive” as high customer acquisition costs limit marketing effectiveness.

•High platform sales expenses.

•The rise of livestream ecommerce has not reversed the high sales cost trend, pressuring profits in the “increasingly difficult” business of public domain ecommerce.

Private domain business

•Building a consensus around brand marketing highlights the value of private domain brand operations’ user traffic.

•Weimob Research Institute’s survey findings reveal that WeChat is the first choice for over 90% of brands to build private domains. 

•After acquiring public domain traffic, brands’ private domain operations on the WeChat ecosystem showed advertising ROI increases of 25% in 15 days, 47% in 30 days and 67% in 60 days, according to Weimob data.




Growth catalysts: what are the ways by which Weimob can achieve breakthroughs?

Customer growth strategies

•Large-customer strategy

–Large customer orders, high retention and large purchases. 

–Relative to SMEs, large customers have more stable operations, higher willingness to pay, higher renewal rates and better LTC/CAC, which stabilize performance growth for Weimob. 

•TSO full-chain marketing growth strategy

–Weimob launched this initiative in December 2020 to help companies build three major capabilities: digital marketing, digital systems and digital operations.

Multi-spectrum synchronous ecosystem strategies

•User traffic ecosystem: expand traffic channels and accelerate penetration across different industries and scenarios. In addition to Tencent, Weimob collaborates with platforms such as Douyin (TikTok), Kuaishou and Xiaohongshu. 

•Developer ecosystem: building a technology platform via Weimob Cloud, which allows ISVs to integrate based on Weimob’s key SaaS open capabilities and expansion capabilities, or conduct secondary development through Weimob’s Cloud platform. Through ecosystem aggregation, collaboration and empowerment, merchants and ISVs mutually benefit. 

•Investment ecosystem: industrial investment creates long-term value. Weimob wants to expand its business boundaries through direct investments, M&A or industrial funding. 

投资建议/Investment Ideas



Investment summary and risks

We maintain our BUY rating. We believe Weimob’s business has continued to improve from 3Q22E, with the optimization of China’s pandemic management measures and the launch of Tencent’s video accounts, which would have brought incremental growth. Bloomberg consensus (as of 21 Feb 2023) projects RMB2.1bn/2.6bn/3.1bn revenue in 2022/23/24E and RMB-1.0bn/-300m/100m net profit. 


Risks include: weaker-than-expected outcomes for its large-customer strategy; macroeconomic volatility; as well as ARPU weakness and a decline in the number of contracted companies. Note: our calculations are based on subjective assumptions and are for reference only.

Email: equity@tfisec.com

TFI research report website: 

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