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日期: 来源:BUCM循证医学精视角收集编辑:BUCM循证医学中心






















作者:Brown JV, Wilson CA, Ayre K, Robertson L, South E, Molyneaux E, Trevillion K, Howard LM, Khalifeh H;译者:田雨;审校:刘琴,重庆医科大学公共卫生与管理学院循证医学中心 Cochrane中国协作网成员单位 The Cochrane China Network Affiliate School of Public Health and Management, Chongqing Medical University;编辑排版:蒋子昀,北京中医药大学循证医学中心




【Cochrane Plain Language Summary】Antidepressant treatment for postnatal depression

Review question

In this Cochrane Review, we wanted to find out how well antidepressants work for treating women with postnatal depression.

Why this is important

Postnatal depression is depression that starts within 12 months of a woman having a baby. Many women are affected. Postnatal depression can have serious short- and long-term effects on the mother, the baby, and the family as a whole.

There are several ways to treat postnatal depression. These include antidepressant medication, psychological therapy, support or counselling. The type of treatment offered depends on how severe the depression is, other illnesses and the woman's choice. In general, women who are pregnant or breastfeeding are often anxious about the potential unwanted effects of antidepressant medicines on their  baby.

It is important to know whether antidepressants could be an effective and acceptable treatment for women with postnatal depression.

What we did

In May 2020, we searched for studies of antidepressants for women with postnatal depression. We looked for randomised controlled trials, in which treatments were given to study participants at random. These studies give the most reliable evidence.

We included 11 studies involving 1016 women. The studies compared antidepressants with placebo (dummy pill), treatment as usual (watch and wait, regular visits with a care co-ordinator), psychological interventions (therapy), psychosocial interventions (peer support or counselling), any other other medicines or another type of antidepressant; and complementary medicine (food supplements).

Eight of the studies were conducted in English-speaking, high-income countries. The length of treatment ranged from four to 24 weeks.

The outcomes we focused on were how well the treatments worked (effectiveness). This was measured by the number of people who responded well to treatment (response) or no longer met criteria for depression at the end of treatment (remission). We also looked at whether women and/or their babies experienced adverse effects with the treatment.

What did we find?

We found that women treated with antidepressants may respond slightly better and have less severe postnatal depression than women given a placebo. The number of unwanted effects experienced by women was similar between groups. There were not enough studies comparing antidepressants with other types of treatment. The most commonly studied antidepressants were from the 'SSRI' (serotonin specific reuptake inhibitor) group.


We found that women treated with antidepressants may respond slightly better and have less severe postnatal depression than women given a placebo. The number of unwanted effects experienced by women was similar between groups. There were not enough studies comparing antidepressants with other types of treatment. The most commonly studied antidepressants were from the 'SSRI' (serotonin specific reuptake inhibitor) group.

Certainty of the evidence

Our certainty (confidence) in the evidence is low. Some findings are based on only a few studies, with a small number of women in each treatment group. Therefore, we are not sure how reliable the results are. Our conclusions may change if more studies are conducted. Our finding that antidepressants may work better than a dummy pill is similar to findings from a larger number of studies in the general population.

Authors' conclusions: 

There remains limited evidence regarding the effectiveness and safety of antidepressants in the management of postnatal depression, particularly for those with more severe depression. We found low-certainty evidence that SSRI antidepressants may be more effective in treating postnatal depression than placebo as measured by response and remission rates. However, the low certainty of the evidence suggests that further research is very likely to have an important impact on our effect estimate. There is a continued imperative to better understand whether, and for whom, antidepressants or other treatments are more effective for postnatal depression, and whether some antidepressants are more effective or better tolerated than others.

In clinical practice, the findings of this review need to be contextualised by the extensive broader literature on antidepressants in the general population and perinatal clinical guidance, to inform an individualised risk-benefit clinical decision. Future RCTs should focus on larger samples, longer follow-up, comparisons with alternative treatment modalities and inclusion of child and parenting outcomes.  




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