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日期: 来源:BUCM循证医学精视角收集编辑:BUCM循证医学中心














作者:Kinoshita M, Borges do Nascimento IJ, Styrmisdóttir L, Bruschettini M;译者:邵雨娜,Cochrane Hong Kong,香港中文大学医学院那打素护理学院;审校:牟焕玉,Cochrane Hong Kong,香港中文大学医学院那打素护理学院;编辑排版:索于思,北京中医药大学循证医学中心




【Cochrane Plain Language Summary】How effective and safe are systemic opioids for postoperative pain control and management in neonates?

Review Question

How effective and safe are systemic opioids for reducing newborn babies' pain after surgery?


Neonates (babies in the first four weeks after birth) may undergo surgery (operations) or surgical procedures. Like adults, babies experience pain, and this pain must be managed (reduced) after surgery. Opioids are pain-relieving medications. Examples of opioids are codeine and morphine. Opioids work by interacting with opioid receptors in the body and reducing feelings of pain.

Opioids affect the whole body system and this is why this review refers to them as systemic opioids. Opioids can be given to babies in a few ways, by different routes. One route is by using a needle injected into a vein; this is called parenteral drug administration. Another way (or route) is to place a medication in the baby's mouth, under the tongue or with a tube. These types of drug delivery are called enteral administration. Opioids, like most drugs, can be given at different strengths (dosages). Opioids can be given continuously (without stopping), or on and off over a period of time (intermittently).

All of these things together, how the opioid is given to the baby, how often the opioid is given, and the strength of the opioid, create what is called a drug regimen.

This review aims to evaluate how different opioid regimens affect babies.

Key results

This review included seven studies involving 504 babies. We identified no studies comparing different doses of the same opioid. We identified no studies comparing different routes to delivery of opioids. Six studies compared continuous opioid administration versus intermittent opioid administration. One study assessed the use of continuous morphine infusion compared with a parent- or nurse-controlled administration.

Based on the studies we found that we were unable to determine whether continuous or intermittent opioid regimens are better for controlling babies' pain. Since we did not find studies comparing different dosages of opioids, we do not know which dosage is better for reducing babies' pain. Since we did not find studies comparing different routes of opioid administration, we do not know if parenteral is better than enteral for reducing babies' pain. Considering the body of literature evaluated, the effectiveness of continuous systemic opioid infusion compared with intermittent systemic opioid administration is still undetermined. We are uncertain about the effectiveness of continuous systemic opioid administration and intermittent opioid administration in reducing the pain.
We searched for studies that were available up to 10 June 2022.

Authors' conclusions: 

Limited evidence is available on continuous infusion compared to intermittent boluses of systemic opioids. We are uncertain whether continuous opioid infusion reduces pain compared with intermittent opioid boluses; none of the studies reported the other primary outcomes of this review, i.e. all-cause mortality during initial hospitalization, significant neurodevelopmental disability, or cognitive and educational outcomes among children older than five years old. Only one small study reported on morphine infusion with parent- or nurse-controlled analgesia.




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