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日期: 来源:爱济南客户端收集编辑:爱济南客户端



  Jinan, a historical and cultural city famous for its springs, is surrounded by Mount Tai and the Yellow River. The folk customs here are honest and unsophisticated, which has bred a culture with a history of thousands of years and gathered numerous outstanding talents. In order to promote a real and comprehensive Jinan, a series of short videos,Foreign Hosts Explore Jinan, supported by the Publicity Department of the CPC Jinan Municipal Committee, and produced by Jinan International Communication Center and China News Service Shandong Bureau, is online. With foreign friends living in Jinan as the leading roles, this series of videos presents the local customs, history, culture and development of Jinan, and shows the unique charm of this ancient city from the perspective of foreign hosts. At close quarters and from multiple angles, let’s follow the international friends to explore Jinan and learn about its high-quality development and achievements.



  “This is a pit, what treasures have been unearthed here?” Wang Saibo (Sebastian Valcic), a Jinan City Recommender from Germany, with a brilliant smile, blond hair and fluent Chinese, was in the Chengziya Site in Zhangqiu District, Jinan, Shandong Province for a journey of mysteryexploration.


  “I like Chinese culture very much and have learned Chinese Kung Fu. All the jobs I have done since I graduated from college are related to China.” After a brief self-introduction, Wang Saibo walked into the museum under the guidance of Zhang Zongguo, curator of the Chengziya Site Museum. “The museum was built in 1994, and its appearance looks like a bird from above. Because in ancient times, Shandong belonged to Dongyi (a general term for the oriental nationalities in ancient China), and its people worshipped birds, which was one of the original design concepts,” said Zhang Zongguo.


  “8500 years ago,there were people settling in Longshan Mountain in Jinan, where the museum is currently located.” According to the introduction of the curator, Wang Saibo learned that Longshan Culture exists in the whole region from the middle reaches of the Yellow River to the estuary, and China has formed a relatively unified situation during the period of Longshan Culture.


  During the Han Dynasty, Dong-pingling City was built about 2 kilometers east of the museum. Zhang Zongguo mentionedthat during the Yongjia period of the Western Jin Dynasty, the city was abandoned and its people moved to what is now Jinan. “More than 8000 years ago, our ancestors had formed this kind of settled life. They dug trenches around the settlement to prevent floods and beasts, which was actually the predecessor of the moat.”


  Wang Saibo was highlycurious about the restored half-crypt houses, original crops, original animal husbandry and other exhibits. Zhang Zongguo explained that thesettled life at that time was corresponding to settled agriculture, and the food source was mainly planted and collected by women, who were in a dominant position, thus forming a matriarchal clan society. “In the period of Longshan Culture, China's pottery industry was basically at the peak of the world. From more than 4000 years ago to the present, it represents the highest level of the world's pottery industry.”


  “4000 years ago, the concept of a state was established here, forming a pyramidal structure with three levels of “Du-Yi-Ju”: the Du represented the capital, the Yi represented the county, and the Ju represented the settlement. And the Chengziya Site was at the top of the “pyramid”, with a population of about 3000.” Zhang Zongguo explained, “In the period of Longshan Culture, the urban, cultural and economic pattern of northern Shandong had been established. At that time, people worshipped the colour black, and the most direct expression was the production and application of black pottery, which also showed that our ancestors attached great importance to the quality of life.”


  Out of curiosity, Wang Saibo experienced the traditional craft of making black pottery. Dipping in water, placing the mud, starting the machine, under the guidance of a professional master, Saibo learned to shape the mud. He used his left thumb to push the right to base the pottery. Under the effect of centrifugal force, the pottery gradually took shape. “I'm a beginner and it's really not easy to do it. I need more practice, but the whole process wasreally interesting. Looking forward to my next work."


  The excavation of Chengziya Site was not only the unveiling of Longshan Culture, but also the prelude to the exploration of the origin of Chinese civilization. Standing beside the city wall with a history of more than 4000 years, Wang Saibo said that he enjoyed studying Chinese history and culture. Once he read a book about the history of Jinan,TheSouth of Jishui, which contains stories of Chengziya Site. “Today's experience and exploration let me truly feel the depth of Zhangqiu's history and culture. And I willshare it with my family and friends.”



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