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日期: 来源:海南卫视收集编辑:海南卫视

戳上方蓝字 更多精彩等你看!Follow the Ambassador of Finland to The World’s Specialty | Experience happiness in the nature-loving “Land of a Thousand Lakes”EP.5有一个地方,这里几乎一半时间日不落、一半时间夜不眠,一年有两百多天可以看到极光挥洒变幻在夜空,犹如闯入了奇幻世界……There is a place where almost half the time the sun does not set, half the time the night does not sleep, more than two hundred days a year you can see the aurora borealis waving and changing in the night sky as if breaking into the fantasy world ......成千上万个岛屿和湖泊,大面积覆盖的森林和草木,无数珍稀保护动物都在这里自由生长。极光、冰原、湖泊、森林.......这些词汇串联在一起,就组成了本期《全球国货之光》主题国家最为独特的“自然名片”。Thousands of islands and lakes, large areas of forests and grasses, and countless rare animals all grow freely here. Aurora, ice fields, lakes, forests ....... These words strung together make up the most unique label of the country in the new issue of The World’s Specialty.伴随着春节假期的尾声,让我们跟随芬兰驻华大使孟蓝女士的脚步,走进北欧“千湖之国”——芬兰,听商务参赞田马可先生为你讲述芬兰国货背后沁人心脾的自然与生活。中国首档大型对外文化经贸交流节目《全球国货之光》由海南广播电视总台、海南省外事办公室联合主办,海南卫视1月28日(大年初七)19:30 精彩呈现,敬请期待!At the end of the Chinese New Year holiday, let's follow the footsteps of the Ambassador of Finland to China, Leena-Kaisa Mikkola, into Finland, the Nordic "Land of a Thousand Lakes", and listen to Marko Tiesmäki, Commercial Counsellor, tell you about the refreshing nature and life behind Finnish national products. China's first large-scale foreign cultural and economic exchange program The World’s Specialty is co-sponsored by Hainan Broadcasting Group and Hainan Foreign Affairs Office, and presented by Hainan TV on January 28 at 19:30. Stay tuned!芬兰Finland《全球国货之光》芬兰专场 Episode for Finland❤源自自然的“芬兰设计”Finnish design from the nature 当你了解这是一个森林覆盖率超过七成,湖泊覆盖率也超过了百分之十的自然国度,或许就能理解芬兰人有多么热爱回归自然的生活。正因如此,芬兰人将他们对自然的热爱融入到引以为傲的国货之中,并由此形成了崇尚自然的生活方式和国货特色。When you understand that this is a country with more than 70 percent of the country covered by forests and 10 percent of the country covered by lakes, you may understand how much the Finns love to live a life back in nature. That's why the Finns have incorporated their love of nature into their proud national products, which have resulted in a lifestyle that celebrates nature and the characteristics of national products.左右滑动查看更多芬兰是一个设计的国度,从杯子、花瓶等日常用品到建筑和城市设计,精致的设计已经融入芬兰人的日常生活。本期节目的国货推荐中,各式各样的国货都体现了芬兰人的“设计美学”。Finland is a country of design, from everyday objects such as cups, plates and vases to architecture and urban design, sophisticated design has been integrated into the daily life of Finns. In this episode, a wide range of national products are featured, all reflecting the Finnish "design aesthetic".森林里自然生长的浆果和蘑菇拥有怎样的原生味道?为了将这份原生态无污染的新鲜传递到消费者的餐桌,芬兰的食品国货品牌们又是如何在加工和运输中匠心独运?为了实现不同环境中的桑拿享受,将桑拿房视为“自然教堂”的芬兰人,又是怎样在小小桑拿炉的设计上大做文章?美观、简约的餐具厨具背后,映射着芬兰人怎样的生活观念和历史传统?这些设计灵感,与芬兰的森林湖泊、仲夏夜晚又有哪些不可分割的关联?What is the taste of berries and mushrooms that grow naturally in the forest? How do Finland's national food brands process and transport their products in order to bring the freshness to consumers' tables? How do the Finns, who consider saunas to be "natural churches", design their small sauna ovens to provide sauna enjoyment in different environments? What is the Finnish concept of life and historical tradition behind the beautiful and simple tableware and kitchenware? What are the inseparable links between these design inspirations and Finland's forests, lakes and midsummer nights?左右滑动查看更多❤“百年老店”的国货底蕴 The tradition and heritage of century-old stores芬兰的国货产品不仅有拥抱生活的时尚新潮,更有悠久历史孕育的经典传统。Reima——芬兰全球领先的儿童运动服装品牌,成立于1944年;芬兰运动服饰品牌ICEPEAK的母公司的历史超过一百年;Fazer巧克力品牌创立于1891年;蔚优(Valio)是芬兰的百年乳品品牌,1905年成立;知名蓝莓果浆品牌蓝宝氏(Roberts)创立于1910年;伊塔拉品牌专注于设计玻璃和瓷器器皿,于1881 年成立......这些历久弥新的百年老店,彰显着芬兰国货品牌的深厚底蕴。本期节目中,这些老牌国货品牌,又会拿出什么样的王牌产品?Finnish national products not only embrace life's fashion trends, but also have a long history of classic traditions. Fazer Chocolate was founded in 1891; Valio, a century-old Finnish dairy brand, was founded in 1905; Roberts, a well-known blueberry syrup brand, was founded in 1910; and Iittala, a brand specializing in glass and porcelain ware, was founded in 1881. ...... These long-standing, century-old stores showcase the deep heritage of Finnish national brands. In this episode, what kind of ace products will these old national brands come up with?左右滑动查看更多在本期节目播出的同时,来自Fazer品牌的巧克力、蓝宝氏(Roberts)森林浆果、以及蔚优(Valio)旗下的各类调制奶粉,将在拼多多直播间同步上架!如果你对这些兼具历史传统与自然美感的芬兰国货感兴趣,请一定不要错过这次抢先下单的机会!These veteran manufacturers are here to not only capture your attention, but also to get your orders. At the same time as this episode is playing, chocolate from Fazer, forest berries from Roberts, and all kinds of powdered milk from Valio will be on the shelves of Pin-Duo-Duo Live! If you're interested in these Finnish products, don't miss this chance to get your order!左右滑动查看更多❤冰雪国度“温暖秘密”Warm code from the ice and snow country 四分之一国土位于北极圈所包围的芬兰,理所当然应该是冰雪运动的国度。田马可商赞带来了让芬兰人在冰雪运动中无惧寒冷的“温暖密码”——芬兰品牌冬季运动服。是多么“给力”的御寒装备,使得芬兰人得以毫无顾忌地在冬日里来到户外,听大自然诉说雪的奥秘,于旷野中追逐北极光的方向?With a quarter of its territory surrounded by the Arctic Circle, Finland is rightly a country of ice and snow sports. Marko Tiesmäki, as the Commercial Counsellor, has brought the "warmth code" that allows the Finns to play snow sports without fear of the cold - Finnish brand winter sportswear. What kind of "powerful" cold-weather equipment makes it possible for Finns to go outdoors in winter, listen to the mystery of snow, and chase the direction of the Northern Lights in the wilderness?看田马可商务参赞亲自教学滑雪技巧,测评芬兰滑雪服的御寒功效。跟随国货推荐官——冬奥冠军曲春雨,收获冰雪运动热身心得!Watch Marko Tiesmäki Commercial Counsellor teach skiing skills in person and evaluate Finnish ski clothing. Follow Winter Olympic champion Qu Chunyu and gain ice and snow sports warm-up tips!正如孟蓝大使在节目中所说:“芬兰确实是一个看上去很冷的地方,但是如果你再深入了解一下就会发现,每一个芬兰人都有一颗噗通跳动的火热内心。”如果你对这个“冰”与“火”交织的国家充满向往,请一定不要错过本期《全球国货之光》!海南卫视1月28日(大年初七)19:30 精彩呈现!As Ambassador Leena-Kaisa Mikkola said in the program, "Finland is indeed a cold-looking place, but if you get to know it better, you will find that every Finn has a fire inside."If you are interested in this country where "ice" and "fire" are intertwined, please don't miss this episode of The World’s Specialty! January 28th 19:30 on Hainan TV. 评论❤点赞


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