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日期: 来源:锐科技收集编辑:锐科技


Theoniel Bosman



My name is Theoniel Bosman, yet my Kindergarten Students and Colleagues know me as Teacher T. I grew up in South Africa, where I attained a Law Degree, practicing Law as a profession, until discovering the awe inspiring China, which I now, call my home.
During this time, I learned so much from the Chinese Culture and its hospitality and to thank China, I've taken it upon myself to dedicate my time to the prosperity of China's Youth.
It has been four years since I've made the best decision of my life and arrived in China. From the very first day I was captivated with this charming, mysterious and warm hearted country, I call home now. I feel a deep passion for this vast and beautiful country, so much so, that it has my devotion, admiration and protection.
Yet, coinciding the elegance and beauty of this wonderful Chinese Nation, it attracts and excites me. Everyday I live in China, I awe and observe the changes within China and the capabilities of this great Nation.
The 20th CPC National Congress provides a window for all the world to understand China in the new era. Through watching and attentively listening to the 20th CPC National Congress, I have a better comprehension of China and it's future, yet praise and admire China for its difficulties in maintaining economic growth and development and long-term social stability, despite such severe international economic situations.
As a powerful and influential country with the world's attention, everyone knows one thing, the people are China, China is the people and when China does well, the world does extraordinary. The world looks at China's political maturity as the stabilizer in a turbulent and unstructured world and the foundation of China's steady growth and development. China's steady growth and development in recent years has greatly improved and advanced the lives of its people and at the same time, injected new energy and believes into this world.
As a foreigner, I devote myself to China and its way of life and simultaneously applaud its contributions and views to the stability and development of the world. I believe that after the 20th CPC National Congress, China will be more rooted, more understanding, more compassionate, more unwavering and its steady development and growth will not only benefit the Chinese people and all who live in China, but the rest of the world.

The 20th CPC National Congress is of great significance to China and the world and I consider China to be special and exceptional.

我叫Theoniel Bosman,幼儿园同事和学生都叫我T老师。我在南非长大,在那里获得法律学位并从事法律工作,直至我接触到了令我向往的中国,现在这里是我称之为家的地方。

(来源:科技部国外人才研究中心 供稿单位:苏州吴江太湖明珠幼儿园 推荐单位:苏州市科技局)


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