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“I potato you”可不是“我土豆你”!到底应该怎么翻译?

日期: 来源:CATTI中心收集编辑:CATTI中心

I potato you是一个俚语表达,urban dictionary对它的定义是:I potato you is between I like you and I love you,it represents the stage between a crush and love.

也就是说,I potato you指的是介于“我喜欢你”和“我爱你”之间,代表现在正处于对你和有好感和爱你的状态中间。






① Oh,John,I potato you!


② She is so beautiful and I potato her so much.



"Small potatoes"是没有价值的东西。(couch potato)由20世纪70年代帕萨迪纳的某人创造的,表示懒惰、静止、臃肿的人。“mouse potato”也是如此,指的是一个人似乎一直用着电脑鼠标。“Meat and potatoes”可以是褒义词,也可以是贬义词,这取决于具体情况;它可能表示稳重、高效,也可能表示无聊、缺乏灵感、迂腐,后者长期以来是与穷人联系在一起的。在西班牙,“potato”可以用来形容低质量的东西;比如,把汽车形容为 "una patata de coche",即 "质量低劣的汽车"。

“Small potatoes” are something worthless. A “couch potato”—a phrase apparently coined by a guy in Pasadena in the 1970s—is lazy, stationary, lumpy. Same with “mouse potato,” referring to a person seemingly permanently attached to a computer mouse. “Meat and potatoes” can be positive or negative depending on the situation; it might mean stolid and efficient, or it could mean boring, uninspiring, pedestrian—the latter qualities historically associated with the poor. In Spain, “potato” can be used to describe something low-quality; check out the phrase describing a car as “una patata de coche,” a “potato of a car.”

不过,在英语和其他语言中,也有很多对土豆持中性或正面态度的词汇。澳大利亚和新西兰曾经流行过一个已经绝迹的短语"not quite the clean potato",意思是某件事或某个人并非没有过错。"Hot potato"(烫手山芋)则是相当直白的中性词。在卡津和魁北克法语中,你可能会听到"Lâche pas la patate",字面意思是"别放开马铃薯",但实际意思是"别放弃"。在法国,还有"avoir la patate"这个表达,如果你今天过得不错,就会说这句话。直译出来是:你"得到了土豆"。

But there are also plenty of terms, in English and other languages, that are either neutral or positive toward the tuber. A mostly extinct phrase, once popular in Australia and New Zealand, is “not quite the clean potato,” meaning something or someone not without fault. “Hot potato” is pretty literal and neutral. In Cajun and Quebec French, you might hear “Lâche pas la patate”—literally, “Don’t let go of the potato,” but really meaning, “Don’t give up.” In France, there’s “avoir la patate,” which you might say if you’re having a good day. The literal translation: you “have the potato.”

当俄罗斯人说起要去夏日度假屋(dacha)时,他们会说他们要去"na kartoshku"或"土豆",因为许多夏日体验都与园艺密切相关。概念有时也被比作土豆。2005年,时任国防部长谢尔盖-伊万诺夫说:"民主不是可以从一个花园移植到另一个花园的土豆。俄罗斯有句谚语说:"爱情不是马铃薯,你不能把它扔出窗外"。

When Russians talk about going to a dacha, a summer getaway home, they’ll say they’re going “na kartoshku,” or “to the potatoes,” since many summer experiences heavily involve gardening. Concepts are sometimes compared to potatoes, too. In 2005, then–Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov said, “Democracy is not a potato that you can transplant from one garden to another.” A Russian adage holds that “Love is not a potato; you cannot just throw it out the window.”


There’s just something evocative about the potato. It grows underground, and is covered in dirt. It can be lumpy and ugly, at least when compared with something like a shiny perfect apple, a tasseled and golden ear of corn, or a vibrant, full-to-bursting tomato. It asks little of its tender. But it can sustain many, easily and efficiently. It’s the food of the people. And it’s in the language we potato-eaters speak, too.


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