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日期: 来源:海南卫视收集编辑:海南卫视

戳上方蓝字 本期《全球国货之光》!So, how should I judge the quality of cashews and macadamia nuts? What are the characteristics of a good quality nut? In addition to direct consumption, these two types of nuts can also have what fancy way to eat. Will this new way of eating conquer the taste buds of the ambassador, counselor, and audience? Please pay attention to this episode of The World’s Specialty !❤大使的“海鲜烹饪小课堂”Ambassador's "Seafood Cooking Class"莫桑比克濒临印度洋,气候和洋流条件适合海洋生物生长,海洋也较平静,这里有非洲第二大、第三大、第六大渔场,因此渔业种类丰富,海鲜也因此价格优廉、货品齐全,备受各地采购者青睐。Mozambique is bordered by the Indian Ocean, the climate and currents are suitable for marine life growth, the ocean is also relatively calm, there are the second-largest, third, and sixth-largest fishing grounds in Africa, so there is a rich variety of fisheries, seafood is also a good price, complete goods, favored by buyers from all over the world.作为非洲重要的渔业资源出口国,莫桑比克的鱼虾广泛出口到以欧洲为主的世界各地。在节目现场,玛丽亚·古斯塔瓦大使和格斯帕参赞将带你现场品鉴来自莫桑比克的优质海鲜,并且带来许多海鲜挑选和烹饪的小窍门。As an important exporter of fishery resources in Africa, Mozambique's fish and shrimp are widely exported all over the world, mainly to Europe. In the program, Ambassador Maria Gustava and Counsellor Antonio da Costa Gaspar will take you on a live tasting of quality seafood from Mozambique and bring you many tips on seafood selection and cooking.滑动查看更多在莫桑比克的海鲜市场上买海鲜,应该如何判断海鲜的新鲜程度?莫桑比克又是如何确保优质海鲜能够原汁原味地送到全球消费者的手中?新鲜的海鲜食材,应该搭配怎样的烹饪手法?海南作为一座沿海城市,海鲜同样受到居民的青睐。那么,当海南的海鲜蘸碟同莫桑比克的海鲜相遇,又将迸发出什么独特的美食火花?跟随大使和参赞,一起让国货的滋味再升级!How should you judge the freshness of seafood when you buy it in Mozambique's seafood markets? How does Mozambique ensure that quality seafood is delivered to consumers around the world in its original form? How should fresh seafood ingredients be cooked? Hainan is a coastal city where the seafood is also popular among residents. What will be the unique culinary sparks when Hainan's seafood dipping dishes meet Mozambique's seafood? Follow the ambassador and the counselor, and let's upgrade the taste of national products!❤一刀一刻尽显木雕文化A cut and a stroke reveal the culture of wood carving如果有机会到莫桑比克的工艺品市场上逛逛,什么工艺品会最吸引你的眼球呢?大使和参赞表示,木雕是莫桑比克最常见的工艺品。栩栩如生的动物,神态各异的人物,经过匠人的加工,成为了全球各地游客的最爱。莫桑比克的木雕文化有着怎样的传承和发展?这里的木雕艺术品大致可分为哪些种类?用于制作木雕的木材是什么?木雕上独居特色的图案背后有怎样的文化意涵?海南木雕在国内外同样享有盛誉,远隔大洲大洋的两地木雕文化,有哪些异曲同工之妙?If you have a chance to visit the handicraft market in Mozambique, what crafts would catch your eye the most? The ambassador and counselor said that wood carvings are the most common handicrafts in Mozambique. The lifelike animals and characters with different demeanors are processed by the craftsmen and become the favorites of tourists from all over the world. What kind of heritage and development does Mozambique's wood carving culture have? What kinds of wood carvings can be classified here? What is the wood used to make wood carvings? What are the cultural connotations behind the unique patterns on wood carvings? What are the similarities and differences between the wood carving cultures of Hainan, which are also well known at home and abroad?中国和莫桑比克的情谊开始于1975年,自建交以来,中莫两国一直是共谋经济社会发展的好伙伴,两国在双边渠道及“一带一路”倡议和中非合作论坛等框架下,各项合作成果十分丰硕。节目现场,玛丽亚·古斯塔瓦大使更向现场和屏幕前的观众发出了邀请:“非常欢迎中国的朋友们来对莫桑比克开启一次愉快的探寻。”2月18日19:30 海南卫视《全球国货之光》莫桑比克专场,不见不散!Since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1975, China and Mozambique have been good partners in economic and social development, and have achieved fruitful cooperation through bilateral channels and within the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative as well as the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation. At the program, Ambassador Maria Gustava sent an invitation to the audience on the spot and in front of the screen: "Chinese friends are very welcome to come and start a pleasant exploration of Mozambique." February 18, 19:30 Hainan TV The World’s Specialty, see you soon!评论❤点赞


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