鄂字版、宁字版大清铜币一组 即将现身马来西亚秋季大拍

大清铜币,学名清代机制铜圆,钱面中央有“大清铜币”四个汉字,内嵌一小字代表地名,上端是满文“大清铜币”字样,两侧为年份。边缘中间分别“户部”二汉字,下端为“当制钱十文”。钱背中央为蟠龙,上端是“光绪(或宣统)年造”,下端英文“Tai-Ching Ti-Kuo Copper Coin”字样(大清帝国铜币)。


大清铜币版式繁多,尤以当十者为最。多位清帝在位时发行过铜币来作为流通货币,铜币的使用具有重要的现实意义和历史意义,使交易逐渐便利起来。而如今,大清铜币也具有一定的收藏价值,许多收藏家对大清铜币爱不释手,而收集多种多样的铜币已经成为了他们的目标。 The bronze coin of the Qing Dynasty, the scientific name of the Qing Dynasty mechanism copper round, the money face center has "bronze coin of the Qing Dynasty" four Chinese characters, embedded a small character for the place name, the top is the Manchu "bronze coin of the Qing Dynasty," the word on both sides for the year. In the middle of the border are two Chinese characters of the "Department of residence", with the lower end being "ten books for money making". The central part of the Qianbei is Panlong, the upper part is "Guangxu (or Xuantong) year", and the lower part is "Tai-Ching Ti-Kuo Copper Coin" (copper coins of the Qing Dynasty).

Casting is relatively uniform throughout the country. Foundry began in 1900 (26th year of Guangxu in Qing Dynasty) and ended in 1911 (3rd year of Xuantong). Because of its elegant layout, excellent sculpture, and very few coppers in the world, Daqing copper coin Guangxu Hubu Mao Dang Shi is known as one of the ten honorary products in modern Chinese coinage. Especially in the Hubei version, the ningzi version and the Chuan character edition are rare. In recent years, prices have been rising at auction.

There are many formats of copper coins in the Qing Dynasty, especially when the ten party is the most important. Many emperors of the Qing Dynasty issued copper coins as currency in circulation, the use of copper coins has important practical and historical significance, making the transaction gradually convenient. Today, the bronze coins of the Qing Dynasty also have a certain collection value, many collectors love the bronze coins of the Qing Dynasty, and the collection of a variety of copper coins has become their goal.


1906年(光绪三十二年)7月, 清政府处户部又奏请朝廷, 拟将当时全国24处铜元局, 酌量归并为九处, 如折中所述:“然中国幅员辽阔, 若如全国仅设一厂,转运恐形不便,惟有相度地势之拼。除臣部所设总厂外,拟以山东归并直隶为一厂,湖南归并湖北为一厂,江西、安徽、江苏、清江并归江宁一厂,浙江归并福建为一厂, 广西归并广东为一厂。合奉天、河南、 四川、云南四厂,共九处, 皆归臣部统辖,调剂盈虚, 彼此均可匀拨。”在归并铜元局得以顺利实施的同时,又限定各省每日铸造铜元数额,以避免重蹈滥造的覆辙。此后,清政府将户部改称“度支部”,命各省造币厂改称度支部造币分厂,欲统而治之,巩固中央造币集权。


n July 1906 (32nd year of Guangxu), the Ministry of Hukou of the Qing government invited the court to merge the 24 bureaus into nine, as stated in the compromise: "However, China is vast, if only one factory is set up in the whole country, it will be inconvenient to transshipment, only a degree of topography. In addition to the general factory set up by the ministry, it is planned to merge Shandong into Zhili, Hunan into Hubei, Jiangxi, Anhui, Jiangsu and Qingjiang into Jiangning, Zhejiang into Fujian, and Guangxi into Guangdong. Hefengtian, Henan, Sichuan, Yunnan four factories, a total of nine, are under the jurisdiction of ministers, adjust Ying Xu, each other can even allocate. While the merger was carried out smoothly, the amount of copper coins cast per day in each province was limited to avoid repeating the mistake of abuse. After that, the Qing government changed the name of the Ministry of Hukou to "Duzhi" and ordered the provincial mints to be renamed Duzhi Mint Branches in order to consolidate the centralization of the central mints.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, many provincial bureaus cast a variety of back dragon patterns, especially in the "Guangxu Yuan Bao" when ten bronze circles, this phenomenon is quite prominent. For example, the "Guangxu Yuanbao" made in Hubei should be the ten bronze circles, that is, there are large dragons, small dragons, super-large dragons, water dragons, sitting dragons, pearl circle dragons, pearl circle dragons sitting dragons and other back dragon patterns. In 1905, the Qing government ordered to stop casting "Guangxu Yuanbao" and convert it into "Qing bronze coin" in order to rectify the dike law. Therefore, the pattern of dragons in the Qing Dynasty is relatively uniform, but it is not entirely different. For example, "E" inscribed "Daqing copper coin" when ten copper coins, there are "ministerial issued Daqing dragon" and "Hubei Daqing dragon"; "Xiang" inscribed "Daqing copper coin", there are also "ministerial issued Daqing dragon", "B-shaped dragon", "camel-backed dragon", "broomstick dragon".





It is understood that Xiangbao''Daqing copper coins should be ten pieces of money''has a very high collection value, but''Daqing copper coins household E word should be ten pieces of money'' is extremely rare in the world. The five large copper coins are "ten coins". On the front of the coin, the four characters of the book''Daqing copper coin''are read directly, and the characters' Ning'and'Chuan'are engraved in the middle. Outside the bead circle, the upper circle is full of characters, and the left and right are divided into two parts: the word''household'''''part'' and the lower circle is''ten pieces of money''; on the back of the coin, the bead circle is decorated with dragon patterns, on the outer circle is the book''Guangxu Nianzhu', and on the lower circle is the book''bronze coin of Daqing'. The front characters are beautiful, beautiful and magnificent.

In a large-scale trade fair in 2014, a well-matched "bronze coin of Daqing" sold for 2 million sky-high prices, the seller became rich overnight, scholars believe that the "bronze coin of Daqing" collection value is incalculable, is the antique collection market "side door", now the "bronze coin of Daqing" collection market is extremely hot, mainly in special editions, listed. Into the vertical version, the word version, the ningzi version.

This edition from the Rothschild in the United Kingdom in the mainland's only collection office in Zhuhai Yiyuan to understand that the shoot a total of five pieces in a group, are rare versions, more details please consult Zhuhai Yiyuan Cultural Development Co., Ltd.

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