
作者律祥君 律源


The secret of particle (quantum) energy waves and quantum superposition and uncertainty

Lǜ -xiangjun Lǜ-yuan

Yesterday I talke d to you about the nature of electromagnetic waves, One of the things that might confuse you is, “That the particle completely absorbs the energy is a trough, The full release of energy from a particle is a crest. ”This one is based on energy, If you look at the position of the particle and it's a full release of energy and it's a trough and a peak, The particle completely absorbs the energyIt's peaks and troughs,From the particle momentum she goes from the trough to the crest, And from the crest to the trough, Why does this happen ? For a quantum,From the beginning of the absorption of energy to the complete absorption of energy this phase of energy wave is gradually rising, The energy wave of the same particle decreases gradually from the beginning to the full release of energy, The energy wave is falling. And the other way around, So half of the energy wave is going down, Half of them are going up. If the particle itself has a 50/50 mix of absorbed and emitted waves, If you decide from the point of view of complete absorption that at the trough, You're in the trough from the release point of view, The reverse is also true. This is a superposition of particles (quanta). So we don't know where the particle is without measuring it,It could be absorbing waves, It could be releasing waves, If we measure it you can only find the wave state at the time of measurement, If you measure it again, it could be a rising band, Because particles (quanta) are constantly in a dynamic alternating momentum of energy absorption and release, This is also part of quantum uncertainty.

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