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日期: 来源:科学网收集编辑:科学网

编译 | 李言

Nature, 2 February 2023, Volume 614 Issue 7946



A high-mass X-ray binary descended from an ultra-stripped supernova


▲ 作者:Noel D. Richardson, Clarissa M. Pavao, Jan J. Eldridge, Herbert Pablo, André-Nicolas Chené, Peter Wysocki, Douglas R. Gies, George Younes & Jeremy Hare

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▲ 摘要:

在此,我们展示了最近发现的高质量x射线双星CPD −29 2176 (CD −29 5159; SGR 0755-2933)所具有的演化历史表明,中子星成分是在极度剥离超新星时期形成的。此双星的轨道元素在周期和离心率上都与已知轨道周期和离心率的14个Be x射线双星中的1个相似。


▲ Abstract:

Here we show that a recently discovered high-mass X-ray binary, CPD −29 2176 (CD −29 5159; SGR 0755-2933), has an evolutionary history that shows the neutron star component formed during an ultra-stripped supernova. The binary has orbital elements that are similar both in period and in eccentricity to 1 of 14 Be X-ray binaries that have known orbital periods and eccentricities. The identification of the progenitors systems for ultra-stripped supernovae is necessary as their evolution pathways lead to the formation of binary neutron star systems. Binary neutron stars, such as the system that produced the kilonova GW170817 that was observed with both electromagnetic and gravitational energy, are known to produce a large quantity of heavy elements.


Field-linked resonances of polar molecules


▲ 作者:Xing-Yan Chen, Andreas Schindewolf, Sebastian Eppelt, Roman Bause, Marcel Duda, Shrestha Biswas, Tijs Karman, Timon Hilker, Immanuel Bloch & Xin-Yu Luo

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▲ 摘要:




▲ Abstract:

Here we demonstrate a new type of scattering resonance that is universal for a wide range of polar molecules. The so-called field-linked resonances occur in the scattering of microwave-dressed molecules because of stable macroscopic tetramer states in the intermolecular potential. We identify two resonances between ultracold ground-state sodium–potassium molecules and use the microwave frequencies and polarizations to tune the inelastic collision rate by three orders of magnitude, from the unitary limit to well below the universal regime. The field-linked resonance provides a tuning knob to independently control the elastic contact interaction and the dipole–dipole interaction, which we observe as a modification in the thermalization rate. Our result provides a general strategy for resonant scattering between ultracold polar molecules, which paves the way for realizing dipolar superfluids and molecular supersolids, as well as assembling ultracold polyatomic molecules.

Probing site-resolved correlations in a spin system of ultracold molecules


▲ 作者:Lysander Christakis, Jason S. Rosenberg, Ravin Raj, Sungjae Chi, Alan Morningstar, David A. Huse, Zoe Z. Yan & Waseem S. Bakr

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▲ 摘要:




▲ Abstract:

Here we use quantum gas microscopy to measure the site-resolved dynamics of quantum correlations of polar 23Na87Rb molecules confined in a two-dimensional optical lattice. By using two rotational states of the molecules, we realize a spin-1/2 system with dipolar interactions between particles, producing a quantum spin-exchange model. We study the evolution of correlations during the thermalization process of an out-of-equilibrium spin system for both spatially isotropic and anisotropic interactions. Furthermore, we examine the correlation dynamics of a spin-anisotropic Heisenberg model engineered from the native spin-exchange model by using periodic microwave pulses. These experiments push the frontier of probing and controlling interacting systems of ultracold molecules, with prospects for exploring new regimes of quantum matter and characterizing entangled states that are useful for quantum computation and metrology.

A Feshbach resonance in collisions between triplet ground-state molecules


▲ 作者:Juliana J. Park, Yu-Kun Lu, Alan O. Jamison, Timur V. Tscherbul & Wolfgang Ketterle

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▲ 摘要:

在此,我们报告一个在2个三重态基态钠锂分子碰撞中的非常明显且狭窄(25 mG)的费希巴赫共振。



▲ Abstract:

Here we report a very pronounced and narrow (25 mG) Feshbach resonance in collisions between two triplet ground-state NaLi molecules. This molecular Feshbach resonance has two special characteristics. First, the collisional loss rate is enhanced by more than two orders of magnitude above the background loss rate, which is saturated at the p-wave universal value, owing to strong chemical reactivity. Second, the resonance is located at a magnetic field where two open channels become nearly degenerate. This implies that the intermediate complex predominantly decays to the second open channel. We describe the resonant loss feature using a model with coupled modes that is analogous to a Fabry–Pérot cavity. Our observations provide strong evidence for the existence of long-lived coherent intermediate complexes even in systems without reaction barriers and open up the possibility of coherent control of chemical reactions.

材料科学Materials Science

Vertical full-colour micro-LEDs via 2D materials-based layer transfer

基于二维材料的层转移技术的全彩垂直Micro LED

▲ 作者:Jiho Shin, Hyunseok Kim, Suresh Sundaram et al.

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▲ 摘要:

在此,我们报告了已知范围内最高阵列密度(5100像素/英寸)和最小尺寸(4微米)的全彩色垂直堆叠µLEDs。这是通过基于二维材料的层转移技术实现的,该技术允许在二维材料涂层基片上通过远程外延或范德华外延、机械释放和堆叠LED等工序来生长近亚微米厚度的RGB LEDs。

有史以来最小的、约9微米的堆叠高度是制造高阵列密度LED的关键因素。我们还演示了蓝色µLEDs与硅膜晶体管的垂直集成,可用于有源矩阵应用。这些研究结果为制造用于增强现实和虚拟现实的全彩Micro LED显示器奠定了基础,同时也为更广泛的三维集成设备类别提供了通用平台。

▲ Abstract:

Here we report full-colour, vertically stacked µLEDs that achieve, to our knowledge, the highest array density (5,100 pixels per inch) and the smallest size (4 µm) reported to date. This is enabled by a two-dimensional materials-based layer transfer technique that allows the growth of RGB LEDs of near-submicron thickness on two-dimensional material-coated substrates via remote or van der Waals epitaxy, mechanical release and stacking of LEDs, followed by top-down fabrication. The smallest-ever stack height of around 9 µm is the key enabler for record high µLED array density. We also demonstrate vertical integration of blue µLEDs with silicon membrane transistors for active matrix operation. These results establish routes to creating full-colour µLED displays for augmented and virtual reality, while also offering a generalizable platform for broader classes of three-dimensional integrated devices.

Non-epitaxial single-crystal 2D material growth by geometric confinement


▲ 作者:Ki Seok Kim, Doyoon Lee, Celesta S. Chang, Seunghwan Seo, Yaoqiao Hu et al.

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▲ 摘要:




▲ Abstract:

Here we introduce a deterministic, confined-growth technique that can tackle these three issues simultaneously, thus obtaining wafer-scale single-domain 2D monolayer arrays and their heterostructures on arbitrary substrates. We geometrically confine the growth of the first set of nuclei by defining a selective growth area via patterning SiO2 masks on two-inch substrates. Owing to substantial reduction of the growth duration at the micrometre-scale SiO2 trenches, we obtain wafer-scale single-domain monolayer WSe2 arrays on the arbitrary substrates by filling the trenches via short growth of the first set of nuclei, before the second set of nuclei is introduced, thus without requiring epitaxial seeding. Further growth of transition metal dichalcogenides with the same principle yields the formation of single-domain MoS2/WSe2 heterostructures. Our achievement will lay a strong foundation for 2D materials to fit into industrial settings.

编辑 | 方圆

排版 | 郭刚




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