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Charles Darwin and The Descent of Man
It’s completely understandable that we are often maddened by what might be called ‘normal’ humanity. The way in which emotion so regularly triumphs over careful reasoning; the power of group loyalty, even when the group doesn’t seem to deserve much devotion; the vast mechanisms of status-seeking that drive so much excess consumption; widespread selfishness and indifference to the greater needs of distant others. And we can find ourselves – in the privacy of our heads, or in the occasional late-night outburst – railing against the fools and idiots who (so unfortunately) seem to occupy so many of the prominent places of power, wealth and influence in our world. 
In such moods, the 19th-century naturalist Charles Darwin has much to say to us. He was born in England in 1809 into a well-to-do and intellectually distinguished family. He was much influenced by visiting, in his twenties, the Galapagos Islands where he could see firsthand species remarkably different from those that existed elsewhere. In later life, he was a quiet, rather withdrawn man (he became the world’s leading expert on barnacles). He achieved worldwide fame for his great work On the Origin of Species by Natural Selection, but Darwin felt that people had not quite understood the implications of his ideas and in 1871, when he was in his sixties, he brought out a title called The Descent of Man. 
Darwin liked to say that he had thought of calling his book The Ascent of Man – but that that would suggest some idea of progress, a concept he did not believe in. Rather, what Darwin wanted to do was to show that, despite the obvious technical advances of past centuries, modern people are still fundamentally at exactly the same moral level, or even perhaps a slightly worse level, than their remote ancestors. 
Darwin’s big point is that the basic psychological characteristics of human beings evolved to aid survival in the very remote past. At the simplest level, we are (generally) attracted to sweet things because, in the very extended period of early human development, that meant eating wild berries which are great for our health. It’s only been in very recent times that this inbuilt desire has turned against us and given us a craving for manufactured sugar, which, by Darwin’s time, had become a major industrial commodity. 
We also evolved to be highly conscious of our own position within our immediate group, since so much of our early survival – in the past – depended on that; so, today, being ‘liked’ feels as if it is a life-or-death issue precisely because, in the past, it precisely was that; it indicated when you would be served when the spoils of the hunt were being distributed. 
进化也使我们高度关注自己在群体中的地位,这是因为人类早期的生存——过去的时候——仰赖于此;所以,到了今天,受到别人 “喜欢”对人来说仿佛是件生死攸关的大事,毕竟以前就是如此;你在群体中的地位意味着在分发打猎成果时你是先得还是后得。
Practically everything – back then – depended on having a mate and reproducing. And so our minds are massively preoccupied by questions of reproduction, even though today, this is not actually central to our own individual survival or even happiness. And, obviously, emotional behaviour is much earlier and much more deeply rooted than elaborate reasoning, which is a very recent and still terribly fragile development in human culture.
We can put on clothes and drive in cars, but we’re still carrying – Charles Darwin insists – our primate heritage and that, though disappointing, is not really our fault; it is simply a fact we need to get used to.
Charles Darwin teaches us in his great work The Descent of Man to feel compassion for the very large primitive part of who we all are and will always be。




source: The School of Life






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