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日期: 来源:海南卫视收集编辑:海南卫视

戳上方蓝字 更多精彩等你看!Ambassador of Finland to China on The World’s Specialty | Unlock the new future of Sino-Finnish friendship with "Nature Code"中国人古话说“春生夏长,秋收冬藏”,冬季自古以来一直是注重回归自然、休养生息、以待来年的季节。当一个国家四分之一国土都在北极圈以内,“冬”自然成为了生活的主题,本期《全球国货之光》就带领大家走进“冬”的国度——芬兰。As the ancient Chinese saying goes, "Sow in spring, develop in summer, harvest in autumn, store in winter", winter has been a season to return to nature, to recuperate, and to wait for the next year since ancient times. When one quarter of a country is within the Arctic Circle, winter naturally becomes the theme of life. This episode of The World’s Specialty will lead you into the land of winter - Finland.EP.5节目现场,芬兰驻华大使孟蓝女士向我们介绍了芬兰独具特色的自然地理环境。“这里的森林覆盖率达到国土面积的七成以上,而水体覆盖也有国土面积的百分之十左右,大大小小的湖泊星罗棋布,所以芬兰素有‘千湖之国’的美名。”静谧的森林和纯净的湖水成为芬兰人幸福感最直接的来源——这也是为什么芬兰被称为全世界幸福指数最高的国家之一的原因。On the show, the Ambassador of Finland to China, Leena-Kaisa Mikkola, introduced us to the unique natural geography of Finland. "Finland is known as the 'Land of a Thousand Lakes' because it has more than 70 percent of its land area covered by forests and about 10 percent of its land area covered by water, with lakes of all sizes." Quiet forests and pure lakes are the most direct source of happiness for Finns - and that's why Finland is known as one of the countries with the highest happiness index in the world.“这就是我的家乡——芬兰,这确实是一个看上去很冷的地方,但是如果你再深入了解一下就会发现,这里有一颗噗通跳动的火热内心,希望通过今天的节目,能让大家爱上这个‘冰’与‘火’交织的国家。”孟蓝大使笑着说。"This is my hometown - Finland, which is indeed a place that looks cold, but if you look a little deeper you will find that there is a poof beating fire inside, and I hope that through today's show, we can make you fall in love with this 'ice ' and 'fire' intertwined country." Ambassador Leena-Kaisa Mikkola said.正如孟蓝大使所说,芬兰人热爱着生活中与自然有关的一切,并且将这份热爱融入了心爱的物件设计之中,由此诞生独具芬兰特色的国货。田马可先生也表示:“芬兰设计风格中的很多灵感来自大自然,我们坚定地保护自然环境,同时也增强了自然与产品设计之间的关联。”本期节目所介绍的芬兰国货,无一不与他们所热爱的自然息息相关。As Ambassador Leena-Kaisa Mikkola said, Finns love everything about nature in their lives and put this love into the design of their beloved objects, resulting in uniquely Finnish national products. Commercial Counsellor Marko Tiesmäki also said, "Most of the Finnish design style is inspired by nature, and we are firmly committed to protecting the natural environment, while also enhancing the connection between nature and product design." The Finnish national products featured in this episode are all closely related to their love of nature.【芬兰国货中的「自然密码」】The "Nature Code" in Finnish national products身在“冰雪之国”,芬兰人对冰雪运动的热爱毋庸置疑。毕竟,谁能抗拒来自冰雪大自然的召唤呢?芬兰的服装品牌更是如此,他们会从北欧冬季户外中汲取设计灵感:服装风格简约,简单的色调搭配中透着干练与纯粹,正如冬季芬兰原野的自然,看着低调内敛,却暗含着一股独立坚韧的劲儿,就像芬兰人常说的 SISU 精神。Being in the "Land of Snow", there is no doubt that Finns love snow and ice sports. After all, who can resist the call of nature from snow and ice? This is especially true of Finnish clothing brands, which take their design inspiration from the Nordic winter outdoors: the clothes are minimalist in style, dry and pure in their simple tones, just like the natural scenery of the Finnish winter wilderness - seemingly understated and restrained, yet implying a strong sense of independence and resilience, just like the spirit of SISU, as the Finns often say.“自然密码”不仅意味着贴近自然,还意味着保护自然。在田马可商参介绍中我们还了解到,芬兰的许多儿童服装品牌极其关注可持续发展,诸多设计制造的产品都使用可重复循环使用的环保材质,让孩子们可以安心使用的同时也维护他们成长所在的环境。这也是所有芬兰设计的理念之一:环保、 贴近自然。The "Nature Code" means not only being close to nature but also protecting it. We also learned from Counsellor Marko Tiesmäki that many Finnish children's clothing brands are very concerned about sustainable development. Many of their products are manufactured with recyclable and eco-friendly materials so that children can use them with peace of mind while preserving the environment in which they grow up. This is the philosophy of all Finnish design: to be environmentally friendly and close to nature.如果说冰雪运动是芬兰的“国民级运动”,那么蒸桑拿就是芬兰人的“国民级享受”。桑拿让芬兰人能够在冰雪世界中沐浴温暖,成为人们感受幸福的“自然密码”。If snow and ice sports are Finland's national sport, saunas are Finland's national pleasure. Saunas allow Finns to bask in the warmth of the snowy world and become a "natural code" for people to feel happy.芬兰人对桑拿的热爱程度,从这个国度桑拿房的数量上就可见一斑:芬兰全国约有300多万间桑拿房,也就是平均每3人拥有一间。传统上,桑拿屋被视为神圣的地方,又被称为“自然教堂”。由此可见,芬兰人对桑拿的爱已经深入骨子里。田马可商参就在现场向观众推荐了几款好用的桑拿好物。The evidence of Finns loving sauna is the number of saunas in the country: there are more than 3 million saunas in Finland or one for every three people. Traditionally, sauna houses are considered sacred places and are also known as "nature churches". This shows that the Finnish love for saunas runs deep in their bones. Counsellor MarkoTiesmäki recommended a few good sauna products to the audience.冰雪世界的洁白纯粹赋予了芬兰国货简约、轻盈的设计风格。田马可商参向观众介绍了主打服饰、家居和布艺的芬兰家居设计品牌,产品以大朵拼接的花、波点、抽象植物等为特点,零星点缀又不失简约,仿佛调色板一般。田马可商参介绍道“这一品牌特色的背后是芬兰人乐观向上的生活精神”。在品牌创立之初,芬兰刚刚经历了第二次世界大战,创始人希望能用色彩为这个灰暗的世界增添快乐,鼓励人们乐观、自由的表达。The purity of the ice world gives the Finnish national products a simple and light design style. Marko Tiesmäki introduced the audience to the Finnish home design brand, which focuses on apparel, home, and fabric. The products feature large patchwork flowers, polka dots, abstract plants, and other patterns, with sporadic embellishments and simplicity, as if in a palette. "Behind this brand is the optimistic spirit of Finnish life." says Counsellor Marko Tiesmäki. At the beginning of the brand, Finland had just experienced the Second World War, and the founder wanted to use color to add joy to this gray world and encourage people to express themselves optimistically and freely.触摸和使用这些凝结着芬兰人民观念、思想、文化,彰显着他们生活方式与人生态度的物品,就好像真正地跨越了千里万里的时空距离,与热爱自然、热爱生活的芬兰人面对面、心贴心。Touching and using these objects, which embody the ideas, thoughts and culture of the Finnish people and show their way of life and attitude, is like crossing thousands of miles of space and time and meeting the nature-loving and life-loving Finns face to face and heart to heart.【中芬两国「是挚友,更是伙伴」】China and Finland "are dear friends, but also partners"芬兰驻华大使孟蓝女士从事外交工作长达三十年,中国是她工作、生活的第六个国家。她对在任期间推动芬中友谊有着真挚的期许:“如果我能把芬兰介绍给中国朋友——也许他们以前不了解芬兰,但通过这档节目他们可能就会对芬兰感兴趣,也许他们有一天就会来到芬兰。”Ambassador of Finland to China, Leena-Kaisa Mikkola, has been in the diplomatic service for 30 years and China is the sixth country she has worked and lived in. She has a sincere wish to promote Finnish-Chinese friendship during her tenure: "If I can introduce Finland to my Chinese friends - maybe they didn't know Finland before, but through this program, they might be interested in Finland, and maybe they will come to Finland one day. "早在1950年10月28日,我国就与芬兰建立了外交关系,在随后的70多年间,中芬两国之间的经贸文化交流越来越紧密,两国人民之间的友谊也越来越深厚。As early as October 28, 1950, China established diplomatic relations with Finland, and in the following 70 years, the economic and cultural exchanges between China and Finland have become closer and closer, and the friendship between the two peoples has become deeper and deeper.2018年,海南省委宣传部就专门主办了“海南文化走进芬兰”活动,通过观赏图片展、传统黎族竹木器乐演奏和苗族歌舞,近距离欣赏黎族织锦技艺演示等,向芬兰展示了海南的自然与人文魅力。In 2018, the Publicity Department of CPC Hainan Provincial Committee hosted a special "Hainan Culture in Finland" event, which showed the natural and humanistic charm of Hainan to Finland by viewing photo exhibitions, traditional Li bamboo and wood instrumental music performances and Miao songs and dances, and close appreciation of Li brocade weaving skills demonstration.在本期节目中,黎族传统服饰的两位设计师也来到了节目现场,就服饰设计与孟蓝大使、田马可参赞交流。黎锦的纹样也取材自黎族所生活的山水自然之间,是黎族人民借以与身边自然产生共鸣的“自然图腾”,与芬兰国货的自然理念有异曲同工之妙。孟蓝大使对黎族服饰独特的颜色和纹样赞不绝口:“我觉得黎族服饰的风格和颜色都很漂亮......看完这个我更有理由去海南了。”In this episode, two designers of traditional Li costumes also came to the show and exchanged views on costume design with Ambassador Leena-Kaisa Mikkola and Counsellor Marko Tiesmäki. The patterns of Li brocade are also taken from the nature where the Li people live, a "nature totem" that the Li people use to resonate with the natural world, which is similar to the natural concept of Finnish national products. Ambassador Leena-Kaisa Mikkola was full of praise for the unique colors and patterns of the Li costumes: "I think the style and colors of the Li costumes are beautiful ...... After seeing this I have more reason to go to Hainan."在未来,中芬关系的发展仍然大有可为。节目中,商务部前欧洲司司长孙永福作为特邀观众这样说道:“芬兰是中国在北欧非常重要的贸易伙伴......北欧特别是芬兰的可再生能源产业发展非常迅速,在这些新能源、绿色能源领域,中国与芬兰会有非常好的合作前景。”In the future, there is still much potential for the development of Sino-Finnish relations. During the program, Sun Yongfu, former Director General of the European Department of the Chinese Ministry of Commerce, said this as a special guest audience: "Finland is a very important trade partner of China in Northern Europe ...... The renewable energy industry in Northern Europe, especially in Finland, is developing very rapidly, and there will be very good prospects for cooperation between China and Finland in these new and green energy fields."如今,海南自贸港建设也为中芬合作打开新窗口。“国货之美,美美与共”,借助这座国货之桥,《全球国货之光》愿为推动中芬关系再上新台阶贡献微薄之力!Nowadays, Hainan Free Trade Port also opens a new window for Sino-Finnish cooperation. With this bridge of national products, The World’s Specialty would like to contribute to the promotion of Sino-Finnish relations to a new level!世界好物这么多追随各国驻华大使聆听国货故事共享下单快乐There's so much specialties in the worldFollow the diplomatic envoys in ChinaListen to the story of domestic productsShare the joy of ordering每周六晚19:30关注《全球国货之光》国货之美,美美与共Every Saturday night at 19:30Pay attention to "The World’s Specialty”We celebrate the specialties of nations and share with the world.扫描下方二维码获取更多精彩节目内容Scan the QR code belowGet more highlights抖音直播间全球国货之光新浪微博@全球国货之光• END•新海南 | 世界眼 | 家国情 | 潮流范海南卫视带你看世界


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