
粉彩是景德镇窑在五彩的基础上及“珐琅彩”的影响下创制成功的又一种彩瓷。它的独特之处,是在彩绘时搀加一种白色的彩料“玻璃白”。中国的瓷器品种非常丰富,详细分类可达数十种之多,粉彩是其中的一大类,粉彩的特征是先用含钾的“玻璃白”打底,再彩绘人物衣服或花朵。由于粉彩瓷器色彩柔和,瓷画精细优美,因此深受人们的喜爱。目前文物市场上清代彩瓷较多,粉彩尤其突出。Pink color is another kind of colored porcelain successfully created by Jingdezhen Kiln on the basis of multicolor and under the influence of enamel. It is unique in painting with a white colored material, "glass white." China has a rich variety of porcelain, which can be classified in detail as many as dozens. Pink color is one of the major categories. It is characterized by the use of potassium-containing "glass white" to underlay, and then to paint people's clothes or flowers. Due to the soft color of pink porcelain, porcelain painting fine and beautiful, so deeply loved by people. At present on the cultural relics market there are more colored porcelain in Qing Dynasty, especially in pink.


藏品年代:清代 乾隆




Qianlong Ruyi, Zhenqi auspicious, when in office with different materials made of Ruyi thousands. The device as a good ear, take its auspicious omen. Ruyi and eight auspicious symbols of Buddhism, by Qianlong, religious significance has been lost, purely auspicious patterns, or even confused with Taoist patterns. The styling of the whole device is exquisite, elegant and graceful, the glaze is beautiful, the pattern is vivid and bright, and the artistic style of elaborate and luxurious porcelain in Qianlong period is fully displayed.

此粉彩花鸟诗文撇口碗高11cm,口径22.5cm,底径 9.3cm,重 0.73kg,敞口,斜腹壁,矮圈足。胎体加工细密,质地细腻轻盈,洁白精致,轻重适度。釉滋润匀净,平滑莹白,光洁无瑕。形体变化含蓄柔和,线条柔美,有端庄稳重之感。制作一丝不苟,讲究规矩方圆,注重细部处理。

The bowl is 11 cm high, 22.5 cm in diameter, 9.3 cm in diameter and 0.73 kg in weight. The body is fine, delicate, white and light. The glaze moisturizes evenly, smooth and white, smooth and flawless. Changes in the shape of the implicit soft, soft lines, there is a sense of dignity and stability. Production meticulous, pay attention to the rules of the square, attention to detail processing.


Pink flower and bird lines apostrophe bowl is rich in color, bright and soft color, colorful material thick and natural, strong pink texture, fresh and bright, elegant and beautiful. The flowers and birds have flowers and branches crossing the wall and are rare. The surrounding ornaments are of various colors, the same color is thick and light, and the shade and shade are different from the back, and the oil is used to color the layers of the colored materials, and the pictures are soft and silky. Highlighting the Yin and Yang of the screen, rich in three-dimensional, very high level of technology. The bottom is enough to blue and white money Qing Qianlong year system.

乾隆粉彩瓷制作工艺成熟,风格典雅秀丽,备受人们推崇,历来是拍卖市场上的宠儿,升值空间很大。比如一件乾隆粉彩浮雕花鸟宝瓶纹六方瓶,1982年在香港苏富比以25万港币成交,2001年在纽约佳士得以21.5万美元成交,2007年在香港苏富比以2272万元港币成交,2009年在北京保利以6776万元人民币成交。此案例充分说明了乾隆粉彩极高的收藏价值与增值空间。Qianlong Pink porcelain production technology mature, elegant and beautiful style, highly respected, has always been the darling of the auction market, appreciation space is very large. For example, a Qianlong pink relief flower and bird bottle with six square lines was sold in 1982 at 250000 Hong Kong dollars in Sotheby's in Hong Kong, 215000 US dollars in 2001 at Christie's in New York, and 22.72 million Hong Kong dollars in 2007 in Sotheby's in Hong Kong. In 2009 in Beijing Poly to 67.76 million yuan transactions. This case fully illustrates the Qianlong pink color extremely high collection value and value-added space.








When the republic of China was founded, due to the currency system has not yet been established, except for sichuan to change the casting of han dynasty silver coin, fujian to change the casting of Chinese ingots, the main mint, most of the former qing dynasty steel mold casting silver coin, for circulation needs.Due to the currency system chaos, interim government finance minister Chen jintao, on March 11, the first year of the republic of China presented to President sun yat-sen, drum casting 10 million yuan commemorative silver COINS to rectify.The design adopts the portrait of sun yat-sen, the great President.Sun yat-sen ordered the ministry of finance to write a letter, agreed to drum casting commemorative COINS, and ordered the rest of the common silver coin new patterns, "the middle should be painted grain model, take the justice of the rich and full people, advised the rules of agricultural affairs," instructed the ministry of finance to speed up the production of new models, according to the provincial mint drum casting.Before long, the ministry of finance awarded a new model to the south of the Yangtze river (nanjing), hubei, guangdong and other mints according to the type casting, this is the "republic of China sun yat-sen like the founding of the commemorative coin" origin.

Collection name: six stars on the sun yat-sen commemorative coin

Collection category: coin/republic of China

Specification: diameter: 3.88cm weight: 26.7g

This piece of republic of China sun like the founding of the commemorative coin silver dollar, for the head of the round version, as the name suggests is a circle on the back of the round word inside, the position of the triangle mouth more than a point, wearing a round word outside, known as the round word head, also known as the head of the round, is cast by nanjing, hangzhou, tianjin mint.The central front of the coin for sun yat-sen profile portrait, the edge of the upper engraved Chinese official script "the republic of China" 4 words, under engraved "founding memorial coin" 5 words, about long branch flower decoration.On the back of the central Chinese clerical script "one yuan" and jiahe, the edge of the English "republic of China", "one yuan", around the hexagon star.Although this coin has gone through years of baptism so far, its sound is clear and its aftertaste is long.Look at the old and harmonious smell of the whole coin, with natural pulp, neat and natural edge teeth, clear texture, excellent luminosity, precious material and exquisite production.And for the round version of the head has become today's coin collection of favorite and rare things, very collection significance, casting money casting period is very short, casting quantity is limited, rare in the world, has become today's coin collection of favorite and rare things.





藏品规格:直径3.87 ,总重:80.4G




Yuan dazhong was one of the major currencies in circulation during the republic of China. "yuan dazhong" is colloquially known as the series of COINS like yuan shikai. To be precise, it is called "yuan shikai is like carrying jiahe silver COINS".In order to rectify the currency system, the beiyang government drew a silver coin.

Collection name: yuan dandan group 1, republic of China (three years, nine years, ten years)

Collection category: coin/republic of China

Size: diameter: 3.87, total weight: 80.4G

"Yuan dazhong" silver coin front pattern, the middle of the left side of yuan shikai rong outfit, the upper part of the three years of the republic of China edition, the republic of China nine, ten years of yuan dazhong a yuan;The pattern on the back is two crossed ears of rice, symbolizing the growth of strange grain, the ancients to it as a sign of good luck.Also generally refers to the growth of robust rice, positive Juan yuan shikai side head and issue year, the official version of the yuan head color is 89.1%;The outer ring of the coin is mainly the straight tooth edge. The side teeth are very regular, of the same size and depth.

Yuan dandan is known as the treasure of silver yuan in the field of currency collection. It is the most widely circulated and influential silver yuan among nearly 1,000 kinds of modern silver COINS in China, and it is also an important role in the reform of modern Chinese currency system.It has a high value of historical and cultural research and implies the hope of "democracy, republic, constitutionalism and constitutional monarchy".Folk collection, meaning "home and everything is happy" of the auspicious treasure, so it has a high collection of research value.





藏品规格:直径3.9cm 重26.8g

此枚四川省造光绪元宝银币,直径3.9cm 重26.8g,正面珠圈镌满汉文“光绪元宝”四字,珠圈外上端镌汉文“四川省造”四字,下端镌汉文“库平七钱二分”六个字,左右两侧各镌一个花星。银币背面中央镌蟠龙图,上端环镌英文“四川省”,下端环镌英文币值“库平七钱二分”,左右两端稍上侧各镌一个花星,钱币图案纹路清晰,币文俊秀,力度刚硬,内环圈齿整齐划一,严格规准,包浆厚实,品相上等,难得精品。









藏品名称 民国机制币一组

断代/款识 民国

规格 ①重 26.9g;直径 3.94cm

②重 9.7g;直径 3.24cm

数量 一组两枚

价格 议价

地点 新加坡

时间 2018









Guangxu Yuanbao is the first large denomination currency circulated in Guangxu year of the Great Qing Dynasty. It is the first circulation currency to introduce overseas technology in China. It also has certain historical significance for today.






In the late Qing Dynasty, the price of copper rose, and the money was destroyed by the people. Guangdong stopped making money, and the market was short of money and small circulation was very inconvenient. In order to save the money shortage and be influenced by Hong Kong's copper dollar and foreign currency, in June 26, Guangxu, Governor Deshou of Guangdong and former Governor Li Hongzhang made a decision to imitate Hong Kong's copper coin casting mechanism. Subsequently, the provinces have copied and purchased foreign machinery for casting silver and copper. Many coins, including the Guangdong Money Bureau, are ordered from the famous London Birmingham Mint Co., Ltd. The involvement of Great Britain has made silver coins stained with Western colors. The fusion of Manchu culture can be seen on the front side of the coin, while Qian Bei clearly indicates the involvement of western culture.


崇宁通宝是北宋徽宗赵佶崇宁年间(1102-1106年)始铸,年号钱。有崇宁通宝、崇宁重宝和崇宁元宝三种。 崇宁通宝当十型,钱文为徽宗亲书,所以又其为御书钱。

钱体厚重,青铜质,锈色古旧,开门的老生坑。之所以谓之大字版,是因此品钱文四字饱满,寄廓接缘。"宝、宁"二字冠点长且向左倾;长点"崇",斜丁"宁",高走"通"等,与被公认的各谱均载的大字"崇宁通宝"雷同。除钱径略小外,轮廓宽窄、 穿孔大小、成色亦基本一致。




藏品规格:重11G 直径3.4CM



Chongning tongbao was first cast during the reign of zhao ji chongning, huizong of the northern song dynasty (1102-1106).There are three types of chongning tongbao, chongning zhongbao and chongning yuanbao.Chongning tongbao when the model 10, the text for huizong pro-book, so it is the royal book money.

Qian is massive, bronze, rusty and old, an old hole for opening the door.The reason is called the big word version, is therefore article four characters full, posted edge.""Bao, ning" has a long and left-leaning crown;Long point "chong", inclined ding "ning", high walk "tong", and so on, and the widely recognized large words "chong ning tong bao" are all loaded.In addition to the money diameter slightly smaller, the outline is wide and narrow, perforation size, color is also basically the same.

This money "ning" outside the word center point long and no return pen, called "triangular tong";Still have "chong" the word shows coinage worker is masterly, also very difficult to see arenaceous eye below magnifying glass, and the quality of a material of false coin is more coarse, without simple sense, need not magnifying glass to also be able to see its arenaceous eye.


Mention silver yuan can not but mention Yuandatou. After the Revolution of 1911, Yuan Shikai issued a silver dollar currency in order to solve military expenditures and improve his personal political status. Because the silver dollar cast his side image, it was also called "Yuandatou." "Yuandatou" is known as the treasure of silver yuan in the currency collection community. In the three years, nine years, and ten years of the Republic of China, Yuandatou's price in the collection investment market has been relatively stable for a long time because of the small number of people in the world and the fact that it rarely appears in the current market.




规格:重:26.8g 直径:3.88cm


This silver coin, for the ten years of the Republic of China, Yuandatou, is intact, has little wear, and has regular teeth. The coin itself is naturally mellow and has a relief feeling. Heavy 26.8 grams, rich in silver, is a rare treasure. Since its inception, it can be seen that collectors love it,collection value and market investment value are extremely high.

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