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日期: 来源:新媒体信息网湖南收集编辑:湖南








(文本:欧洲委员会; 编辑:朱小军、王应于、吴静芳;摄影:皇家摄影师彭忠民 )

Democratic security and data protection on the agenda as Committee of Ministers meets in Denmark

Committee of Ministers Strasbourg 17 May 2018.

Democratic security and data protection on the agenda as Committee of Ministers meets in Denmark

The Foreign Affairs Ministers of the Council of Europe’s 47 member states are meeting in Elsinor (Denmark) on 18 May to discuss the challenges facing the Organisation.

The Committee of Ministers should also adopt an amending protocol aimed at modernising the Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data, the only existing legally binding international treaty in this field.

The session will be chaired by Anders Samuelsen, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Denmark and Chair of the Committee of Ministers and will be opened by the Prime Minister of Denmark, Lars Løkke Rasmussen.

Other items on the agenda:

The Secretary General’s 2018 report on the State of democracy, human rights and the rule of law: “Role of institutions, threats to institutions”;

The future of the Council of Europe;

Conflicts and crises in Europe;

Long-term effectiveness of the supervisory mechanism of the European Convention on Human Rights;

Co-operation between the Council of Europe and the European Union.

Mr Samuelsen will take stock of Denmark’s chairmanship over the past six months and make a handover to Marija Pejčinović Burić, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Croatia, who will present the priorities of her country’s chairmanship.

A press conference is scheduled at 2.30 p.m., with the participation of Mr Samuelsen, Ms Pejčinović Burić and Mr Jagland.

(Text: Council of Europe: Photo: ROYAL PRESS Zhong Min Peng)


离任主席丹麦外交部长安德斯萨缪尔森将其主席职位交给部长委员会新任主席、克罗地亚外交和欧洲事务部长MarijaPejčinovićBurić未来将担任六个月的主席。(摄影:皇家摄影师彭忠民 )

The Chairmanship of the Committee handed over to the new Chair of the Committee of Ministers

Maj 18, 2018,The Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe today passed from Denmark to Croatia, at a meeting in Elsinore, Denmark, attended by representatives of its 47 member States.

The outgoing Chair, Anders Samuelsen, Minister of Foreign affairs of Denmark, , Marija Pejčinović Burić , Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of Croatia, who will now hold the chairmanship for the next six months.

(Photo: Royal press Zhong Min Peng)

欧洲理事会47个成员国的外交部长在丹麦召开的民主安全和数据保护议程,讨论面临的挑战。5月18日,丹麦总理拉斯洛克拉斯穆森主持开幕式。(摄影:皇家摄影师彭忠民 )




Democratic security and data protection on the agenda as Committee of Ministers meets in Denmark

Democratic security and data protection on the agenda as Committee of Ministers meets in Denmark

The Foreign Affairs Ministers of the Council of Europe’s 47 member states are meeting in Elsinor (Denmark) on 18 May to discuss the challenges facing the Organisation.

The session has been made chaired by Anders Samuelsen, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Denmark and Chair of the Committee of Ministers and will be opened by the Prime Minister of Denmark, Lars Løkke Rasmussen

(Photo: Royal press Zhong Min Peng)

47个成员国外交部长的集体照(摄影:皇家摄影师彭忠民 )

Family photo of Representatives of its 47 member States

Democratic security and data protection on the agenda as Committee of Ministers meets in Denmark

The Foreign Affairs Ministers of the Council of Europe’s 47 member states are meeting in Elsinor (Denmark) on 18 May to discuss the challenges facing the Organisation.

The samme day that held Family photo of Representatives of its 47 member States .

(Photo: Royal press Zhong Min Peng)

欧洲理事会47个成员国的外交部长于5月18日在埃尔西诺(丹麦)会面召开高层会议,讨论面临的挑战。(摄影:皇家摄影师彭忠民 )

Democratic security and data protection on the agenda as Committee of Ministers meets in Denmark

The Foreign Affairs Ministers of the Council of Europe’s 47 member states are meeting in Elsinor (Denmark) on 18 May to discuss the challenges facing the Organisation.

(Photo: Royal press Zhong Min Peng)


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